Open Mic Week 59 - Mogati Steemit Experiment - Luchín (Victor Jara)

This is an experimental account.
All value generated on this account will always remain as SteemPower. The value of this account fuels our community and its token system.

Open mic Week 59.

Mogati Steemit Experiment - Luchín (by Victor Jara)



Frágil como un volantín
En los techos de Barrancas
Jugaba el niño Luchín
Con sus manitos moradas
Con la pelota de trapo
Con el gato y con el perro
El caballo lo miraba

En el agua de sus ojos
Se bañaba el verde claro
Gateaba a su corta edad
Con el potito embarrado
Con la pelota de trapo
Con el gato y con el perro
El caballo lo miraba

El caballo era otro juego
En aquel pequeño espacio
Y al animal parecía
Le gustaba ese trabajo
Con la pelota de trapo
Con el gato y con el perro
Y con Luchito mojado

Si hay niños como Luchín
Que comen tierra y gusanos
Abramos todas las jaulas
Pa'que vuelen como pájaros
Con la pelota de trapo
Con el gato y con el perro
Y también con el caballo

This is our first post from this account.
@matisotoaguilar and I have spent the last month setting up our audio/video recording studio - Mogati Labs. We also got together with our friends the last 4 weekends, feasted on some home cooked vegan food, spoke a lot about cryptocurrencies and jammed our asses off. We’ve decided to meet every Saturday and create content at the labs.
The Lab looks like this now.

( here is a fun collage of clips from one of our earlier meets. You will see Kailey Zercher - a great violinist and an awesome friend. She was sick last meeting so she couldn't make it for Luchín.)

What you should expect from this account :

  1. A lot of improvised material and experimentations.
  2. Collaborations with different artists and art forms.

What you shouldn’t expect from this account:

  1. Super polished content (ie produced for commercial purposes). We spend a lot of time experimenting . What you see here are sessions from our rehearsals/jams at the Mogati Labs. There will be a ton of unexpected results.

Mogati Steemit Experiment hopes to make cryptocurrencies a norm among artists.

Thanks to @luzcypher and @pfunk and everyone involved for making all this possible.

Contributors of this post

@amoghagarwal - audio/video recording
@choby - bass
@gokulramdas - kanjira/backing voice/production
@matisotoaguilar - voice/guitar/production
Prasun Mazumdar - logo. We'll make sure he creates his account soon. Hoping to feature more of his art.

Gokul Ramdas

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