Steemit Open Mic Semana 70 - Todos me miran - Gloria Trevi (@marirodriguez)

Hello everyone, this is my ticket for the week 70

Todos me miran


Tú me hiciste sentir que no valía
Y mis lágrimas cayeron a tus pies
Me miraba en el espejo y no me hallaba
Yo era sólo lo que tú querías ver


Y me solté el cabello, me vestí de reina
Me puse tacones, me pinté y era bella
Y caminé hacia la puerta, te escuché gritarme
Pero tus cadenas ya no pueden pararme
Y miré la noche y ya no era oscura, era de lentejuelas

Y todos me miran, me miran, me miran
Porque sé que soy linda, porque todos me admiran
Y todos me miran, me miran, me miran
Porque hago lo que pocos se atreverán
Y todos me miran, me miran, me miran
Algunos con envidia pero al final, pero al final
Pero al final, todos me amarán

Everyone look at me


You made me feel like I was not worth
And my tears fell at your feet
I looked in the mirror and I was not
I was just what you wanted to see


And I let my hair down, I dressed as a queen
I put on heels, I painted and I was beautiful
And I walked to the door, I heard you scream at me
But your chains can not stop me anymore
And I looked at the night and it was no longer dark, it was sequined

And they all look at me, they look at me, they look at me
Because I know I'm beautiful, because everyone admires me
And they all look at me, they look at me, they look at me
Because I do what few will dare
And they all look at me, they look at me, they look at me
Some with envy but in the end, but in the end
But in the end, everyone will love me

thank you!!

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