STEEMIT OPENMIC WEEK 102 COVER "MOLIENDO CAFE" @lissandro SPONSORED BY @luzcypher and @pfunk


It is a great pleasure for me to present myself for the first time in this wonderful openmic contest in the week No.102. I present myself with a Venezuelan theme very known worldwide as "grinding coffee" or "moliendo cafe". The song grinding coffee of tropical genre composed by the Venezuelan musician jose manzo perroni in 1958 and played by hugo blanco in 1960 has had many controversy related to his authorship, It is said that José Manzo, when composing the song, gave it to his nephew Hugo Blanco to play it. However, in later years, Hugo Blanco would claim to be the one who created the melody and until now the controversy is maintained over the authorship of the song that, at present, has countless recordings. It is necessary to clarify that José Manzo Perroni recorded the theme song Moliendo Café (lyrics and music) before handing it over to his nephew Hugo Blanco to perform it, for that reason Hugo acquired fame and began to say that the song belonged to him, dulling and taking away the merits of his uncle José. 1961 José Manzo Perroni signed a contract with the Morro Music of New York still in force and in it he appears as the author of the music and the lyrics of Jose Manzo Perroni and coincidentally there appears the signature of Hugo Blanco but as a witness since that day Hugo accompanied to his uncle at the Tamanaco hotel where the meeting was agreed on March 15, 1961.
I want to thank teachers nestor perez, jose rengifo and german domador for joining me in this video for them a thousand thanks and especially to the sponsors of this wonderful contest such as: @luzcypher and @pfunk hoping that it is to your liking


es un gran placer para mi presentarme `por primera vez en este maravilloso concurso de openmic en la semana Nro.102. me presento con un tema venezolano muy conocido a nivel mundial como es "moliendo cafe". La cancion moliendo cafe de genero tropical compuesta por el maestro venezolano jose manzo perroni en 1958 e interpretado por hugo blanco en 1960 ha tenido muchas controversia relacionada con su autoria, Se cuenta que José Manzo, al componer la canción, se la entregó a su sobrino Hugo Blanco para que la interpretara. Sin embargo, en años posteriores, Hugo Blanco afirmaría ser quien creó la melodía y hasta el momento se mantiene la polémica por la autoría del tema que, en la actualidad, tiene infinidad de grabaciones. Hay que aclarar que José Manzo Perroni registró la obra Moliendo Café (letra y música) antes de entregársela a su sobrino Hugo Blanco para que la interpretara, por esa razón Hugo adquirió fama y comenzó a decir que le pertenecía a él la canción, opacando y quitándole los méritos a su tío José En 1961 José Manzo Perroni firmó un contrato con la Morro Music de New York aún vigente y en él aparece como autor de la música y la letra Jose Manzo Perroni y casualmente allí aparece la firma de Hugo Blanco pero como testigo ya que ese día Hugo acompañó a su tío al hotel Tamanaco donde se pactó la reunión el 15 de marzo de 1961.
quiero agradecer a los maestros nestor perez, jose rengifo y german domador por acompañarme en este video para ellos mil gracias y especialmente a los patrocinadores de este maravilloso concurso como son: @luzcypher and @pfunk esperando que sea de su agrado

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