🎶 Open Mic Week 84 - My Top 5 Judges Selection 🎶

What an amazingly musical week I have had, not only with Open Mic - but this week we also had the 4th volume of the Sounds of Steem, which was again a truly brilliant event. (link to the Sounds of Steem concert is above).

The Sounds of Steem featured a slew, of phenomenally talented Open Mic entrants and was also for me at least a great mothers day present!

On top of this kick ass concert, I also host two other radio shows - one this morning called the Steemit Musicians show, where myself and co-host's @isaria and @swelker101 showcase the Open Mic judges top 5 selections.

Then Last Thursday @meno and I welcomed @breakoutthecrazy onto Songwriters Shoptalk, it was truly a brilliant show - that I know @meno and myself thoroughly enjoyed, if you missed it check out the link to hear the recording and catch up on all the fun.

Because of such an event filled few days, I am runny a fair bit behind schedule - I'm talking more so than usual!

So I am going to make this a shorter one if possible, but we know when I get to writing I tend to forget word limits and go for getting the intended message across to all those I mention in my post's - well let's see what self control I can summon and get this show started.

Without further delays, here is my judges Top 5 Selection for week 84!

This week's top 5:

1st Place - @luisferchav- Paper thin

What a way to return mate, this was such an epically brilliant song and performance - you are one of my favourite musicians, is in anywhere not just Open Mic (so it really is great to have you back :) ).

The complexities you have weaved throughout this performance are just next level and an absolute auditory treat, I cannot image how long it took to figure out the ideal timing to pull this off - but mate you did it and you created something that just keeps building and building as it continues.

It's so interesting to watch you craft the entire sound, during the performance - each new layer added, branched and morphed the overall tone creating a true masterpiece!

I have been a fan of your's since I found you (thanks once more Open Mic!), but you just keep stepping up your entries and mate you just never fail to impress me - what a unique and interesting sound you've created, I just can't stop listening to it.

On each listen through it is as though I find a little something new to focus on, it really is an intrinsic piece of composition - you drew me in and compelled me to stay and in the end left me wanting for more.

This really was one hell of a kick ass entry and I am stoked to have you back, I hope life is kind and allows you the time needed to continue to craft your exceptional music into being - as always I cannot wait to hear more from you and soon!

2nd Place - @lillywilton - The Burn I've Learned to Love

Just a truly stunning entry this week Lilly, I had no option but to place you with such a masterpiece - and in all honesty an absolute pleasure, there's nothing quite like finding a new brilliant voice to listen to and follow.

What's more this week you showed us a new side of yourself with an original entry and man did you deliver!

This was just an amazing song, such a pleasure to get to sing along with - I can see me listening to this entry well into the future, that means we have another Open Micer added to my playlist.

On top of this truly magical entry, this week you also joined us on the Sounds of Steem - and as far as I could tell, everyone present just fell in love with your brilliant performance and attitude.

It was an honour to have you perform such an amazing song, you really captured the crowds attention and hearts - I really look forward to hearing more from you and hopefully soon!

3rd Place - @paintingangels - Crow Song

Ohhhh my lovely Serena, I hope in time we can make you realise just how amazing and talented you truly are - you have such an epic an unique sound, that just captivates my attention whenever I hear it!

You write such heartfelt music, with beautifully compelling lyrics and a melody that melts the soul - you must know just how lucky we are to have you gracing us with your presence, every entry is just a sheer joy to experience.

I cannot get enough of your trance inducing tonality, there's a haunting clarity and soul in the texture of you vocals - I just can't get enough of it.

This is why people gravitate to music, to have something effect you in ways unimaginable - you take people on a journey with another soul and it effects them on a base level, your music is instinctive and pure.

Just an absolute pleasure to have you with us once more, I always love hearing from you - and I cannot wait to get you to perform on the Sounds of Steem :D

4th Place - @lisamalletart - Enrola Bola

You guys just kill it with every single entry, it feels as though the music is an extension of yourselves - like it all comes so easily and naturally to you, it is always such a joy to hear your brilliant music.

I have been drawn to your performances since I first heard you on Open Mic and you never let me down, you prove that not every song needs to be smashed out with sheer intense passion - but rather music can capture your attention with the subtleties and complexities you mix with expert precision.

Now I keep meaning to ask and not in a creepy way, but where is it you guys film - it honestly looks like you guys live in paradise, it's been niggling at me for ages and I just had to ask.

@rhavi your playing is as always spectacular, you never overpower the vocals or take focus from the lyric its truly the perfect accompaniment - then there's your insane harmonies, they never fail to impress.

@lisamalletart your vocals are just divine, I cannot imagine hearing you miss a note ever - it's like your both pitch perfect and I love that your performances are live and not overproduced, it feels like I'm right there with you when you perform.

Your voices just come together perfectly, creating such a blissful sound - I truly just love pretty much everything you guys do and I always look forward to hearing more from you both!

5th Place - @melavie - Forever

What can I say lovely, you know you stole my soul long ago with those hauntingly stunning vocals - but every time I hear you sing even with a cover like this, the music is yours and you own it with your presentation and insanely high quality performances.

I feel your emotions and your intentions through your music, there's a purity to it - and a complex beauty to the way you control your voice, that just melts my heart whenever I hear it.

You have such insane skills, music and emotion just pours out through your performances - you are a perfect example of mastery of the art.

I have been captivated by the intensity of your voice since day one, you break my mind with every entry - I always think there has to be a flaw, but it never surfaces and it no longer surprises me.

You're a one of a kind and we are so bloody lucky to have you with us, I am so grateful that in my work I get to experience such insanely brilliant music - I always look forward to hearing your entries and I hope to hear many more in the future!

Honourable Mentions:

@daily-musings - Expensive Wine

What an amazing first entry hun, I really enjoyed this entry - it's moments like these we wish we had more than 5 places, look forward to more entries from you.

@kayclarity - Weary

You're vocals just get me every damned time, just stunning as always Kay <3

@andreabortone - HIJO DE LA LUNA

Another stellar performance this week and that goes for both of them (your colab was on my shortlist too), a cannot wait to hear more from you in the coming weeks and months!

@ilazramusic - Un Atardecer

Just an intensely brilliant entry mate, absolutely loved the layers and seeing it all come together.

@williamsreinoso - Dust In The Wind

This was a sublime entry, I just loved those vocals so much!

@novumorganon - Another Brick in the Wall

This was a kick ass entry, you went in hard and fully committed - just what is needed to pull of an entry like this, looking forward to more soon!

@jons0318 - Tu haras

I just loved this performance so much, not to mention the really beautiful harmonies - and kick ass playing too, really great job guys.


Etemi you truly have a phenomenal voice hun, just stunning control and range - just great.

@vera.carla - Raro

Ahhh my lovely vera ;) you just blow me away with your stunning vocals every damned time, I cannot get enough - stoked to have you hear with us once more and you know I always want more :P

@pechichemena - Momentos

I love watching and hearing this song evolve over time, you really are an amazingly talented musician mate - I love this song and can't wait to hear the produced version :D

Well guys this post is hella late, I have been telling @luzcypher it's almost ready for a while now - but I'm almost there now, the end is in sight!

This was an amazing week of entries, I just love the insanely high quality of music our entrants produce for us week after week.

I really hope you like my selection for this week, be sure to check out the other judges posts - we all have our own tastes and that brings in a a nice variety of entries to peruse.

Have a good one guys and check out the links to the radio shows at the top of the post, for more examples of brilliance from our amazing musicians - until next week have a good one!

I'd also like to remind everyone again that all top five nominations from this week, will feature in the Steemit Musicians live radio show on MSP-Waves next week.

A massive congratulations to all of those to be featured in the show, it is going to be great opportunity to get to further share the awesome entries we receive each week - I can't wait to hear the audience's feedback on our selections and your entries.

I hope you can all drop by and support those who made this week's lists, I'm sure they'd appreciate the support - not to mention if you join you get to help choose the weekly 20 SBD winning entry!

Please join us for Steemit Musicians this Sunday 12-1 UTC!

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You can listen live at the mspwaves website- http://mspwaves.com/home/listen
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You can join broadcast hosts in a special chat room on the MSP Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/kNxM7T6
You can check out http://mspwaves.com/ for more information

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On the note of the community I thought I'd take a moment to mention that, over at the minnow support program on our discord chat room Peace Abundance and Liberty - the recently revitalised music room has been getting rather active lately.

As well as the recent burst of activity, we have also added a jukebox to the room - so now when you're chatting with people in the music room, you can choose and play music from youtube (this includes open mic entries, I may have already played a couple I really enjoyed).

So far I have seen a few open mic regulars hanging out and about on the PAL chat rooms, now we have a place where we can actively share music live with people were chatting with - this can help musicians in so many ways, not to mention it's just fun to hang out and chat over and about good tunes.

In addition to the new music room Peace Abundance and Liberty chat rooms have a lot to offer, you can access bots to vote on your posts, you can also meet and interact with over 5000 steemians in the channel - this can be a very useful resource to new steemians, but is also a fantastic place to meet and interact with like minded individuals on many different topics.

Again a big thanks to @soundlegion, @meno, @verbal-d and @passion-ground for all they do as judges, please remember to go and check out their top five selections each week and to @luzcypher and @pfunk thank you so much for making all of this possible - until next week.

Which was your favourite entry this week?

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