🎶 Open Mic Songwriters Week 8 - Theme: Till We Meet Again - My Top 5 Judges Selection 🎶

So here we are at the final week of the first ever Open Mic Songwriters Challenge, what can I say but this has been a truly amazing journey and I am so utterly delighted to have been a part of it!

Over the past 8 weeks, we gave you a single theme from which to inspire your creativity and the results were unfathomable - you have all wowed, amazed and entertained us through each turn, this has become the most rewarding experience for me as a judge (so I can imagine what it means to some of you entering each week).

I expected we would have some good songs, even great ones surely - but I didn't expect that each and every week there would be multiple phenomenal entries, you guys stepped up in a big way and I think it's safe to say were all absolutely impressed, with the sheer talent and skills being presented to us.

I know a lot of you who have been slogging it out week after week and your all surly a little exhausted from the monumental tasks you have just completed, but understand how saddened I am that this round has come to an end - it feels to soon and I have to come to the sad realisation that next week, we wont have any more submissions to go over for the Songwriters Challenge and I'm a little sad to say the least.

It has been such an amazing experience to get to experience such fresh and truly original music, your unique takes on the themes - the sheer variety and styles of music each of you have performed, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity and I am so honoured to be here to share it with all of you.

You make the job of choosing so bloody hard, I spend hours agonising over which one deserves which place more and I can safely say I am never happy having to leave out so many amazing entries, you guys have taken this Challenge to the next level and it's safe to say - you guys made this what it is, it's your hard work and dedication, it's all your amazing music and we thank you for sharing it with us so freely.

But as it is with all good things in life it must come to an end, I mean we really can't wait to giveaway this amazing prize being donated by the epically awesome @meno - who generosity and ingenuity saw this Challenge become what it is today, we all owe him a great deal just for having this awesome brain child.

Given that it is the final week, I knew I wanted this post to be special for all of you - but with so many entering that are just insanely brilliant, you can't always get to include all those that really deserve to have a proper shout out (so I tried to say a little something on all entries that I shared today).

This week's top 5:

1st Place - @onetruebrother - Til' We Meet Again

Here I am listening to another brilliant entry from @onetruebrother, as I listen I just melt into the soothing guitar - and the bittersweet sentiment just breaks my heart, what an amazing and truly heartfelt song.

The fact that this was inspired by @basilmarples week 5 entry just makes it even more powerful, just such an epic song of support and compassion - it's a beautiful example of the poetic and remarkable nature of the Songwriters Challenge.

I feel like I have gotten to know you through your music and from what I can see, your humble, amazingly talented, super gracious and most of all caring - you have an amazing heart and it shines through your truly remarkable music.

I have been blown away by every single entry you have submitted to the Challenge, your skills with playing, singing and performing in general were already impressive - but hearing you smash out hit after hit, I am only know beginning to realise the sheer greatness we have gathered here at the Songwriters Challenge.

I have no idea how you aren't already a super famous singer, to be honest your command of attention when you perform speaks to years of honing and refining your skills - to create the masterpieces you have put on display for us during the Challenge, it has been an honour to be amongst the first to be blessed with hearing your amazing treasures.

I love the lyrics just so moving given the motivation behind them, you are such an amazing musician to capture the emotions so perfectly - you defiantly bought more than just a tear to the eye with this little gem, just such an emotional piece of perfection.

I am amazed at the sheer quality of your entries, many feel like old friends you've bought out to share - knowing you created them in a few days alone, is just insanity on a whole different level and in the best possible way.

I find myself eagerly waiting to reach your entry in the list @luzcypher creates for us each week and as of yet you haven't failed to impress, it's like each week you keep just getting better and better - than to hear you haven't written 8 songs in a year before now, well it just shows you the miracles you are capable of!

You not only kept up with the weekly challenge, you hit it out of the park at each round - your skills are clear for the world to see and share and I sure hope they do, as it was an absolute thrill to be able to watch it unfold before me.

Your lyrics are always strong and focused, you always tell an amazing story - you make the listener feel what you wish, through spectacularly crafted melodies and composition in general.

I never thought I would find such amazing music here, but you have been one of those golden little surprise nuggets of awesome this Challenge has brought out the very best Open Mic has to offer.

I have always enjoyed your music, but now I find myself loving it more and more every time I hear either a new song - or if I go back and listen to your earlier entries, I just can't get past the brilliance your have created in just 8 weeks.

You have said you struggled at times, to keep up with the demand we are putting on our amazing entrants - but even on your worst day, you put a lot of us to shame (well me at least lol) with the sheer raw talent you have displayed here.

I just feel so privileged to be a part of this and it's entrants like you that make this all worth the effort, I am sad to finish this as it is the final week - but know that I look forward to hearing more from you in Open Mic and maybe if were super lucky you will grace us all with your presence and sheer talent during round 2 of the Songwriters Challenge!

2nd Place - @basilmarples -Until we meet again

Well Basil here you go melting my cold shrivelled soul and bringing it back to life, not to mention the tears dude - you just keep making me bawl, during some of these emotionally crippling songs you have mastered into creation.

I have no idea how we have gotten so bloody luck, with the sheer brilliance we have seen over the past 8 weeks - and you my friend are a true accomplished musician, composer and songwriter, you should never doubt your skills again.

Your music is a unique and valuable form of art, that connects to the listener in a profound and amazing way unlike anything I've really heard before - you have blown my mind with your versatility, focus and insane skill week in and out.

You have such a sincerity in your music with deeper emotional connections, but you also wowed me with your brilliant comedic entries - is there anything you cannot do???

I am so glad you are revisiting this difficult topic, but rest assured yet again you have achieved greatness here - the tragic brilliance that I have come to know as a Basil Marples emotional ballad.

Again your composition is faultless and structured to utter perfection, highlighting the emotion and conveying the raw energy you always give in your performances - I just can't get enough of your music mate, you really are next level and I am such a massive fan.

I feel truly blessed to be a part of this journey with you, you have taken me places I never expected - a breath of fresh air when the melancholy ran wild and a heart wrenching emotional master at others, this Challenge was perfect fit for you and I'm so glad you were a part of it.

You made each week an absolute joy, I always look forward to your entries and I must confess (though I know you saw) I may have been doing a little you tube stalking and man you never ever fail to impress, so much gold and so just so funny!

Your music is uniquely you and no one else could pull it off quite like you, this being said that doesn't stop me from attempting to sing along with pretty much every single entry you have submitted and man that in and of itself was an absolute thrill.

I personally loved your higher notes and the different methods for tackling them, I also tend to think your falsetto is beautiful if not strong - all you need to do is work that baby out a bit more and you will have the mastery you display in your lower register.

I also have to say your impassioned version also worked splendidly, it hit the emotion and passion that suited the lyrics, the feel and the moment of the song perfectly - I would pay good money to see you perform that one live one day, you have a true flare for performance and you nail it with precision each time.

Your energy and enthusiasm has been so delightful, your seemingly endless positive energy only adds to your passion filled performances - I have been enthralled with your entries throughout the Challenge and this one is no exception.

You have showed a true range and versatility in your genres and compositions, your lyrics are always exceptionally structured and powerful in their own meanings - you shared a side of yourself few chose to reveal and you did it with such brutal and beautiful honesty, it will stay with me forever.

That's the truly remarkable thing here, the amazing music that we shared will continue to entertain the masses forever - I know I will be keeping track of a fair few favourites, to ensure they never fall off my radar (this of course includes many of your own entries).

I don't have the words to convey, just how much I really love your music and more importantly you as a person - you have some insane natural talents and you are a genuine cringing and loving person, I am so thrilled to have met you through this Challenge it's been a great gift on it's own.

I know you "say" you struggled writing 8 songs in 8 weeks, but buddy here you are killing it with the other Hardcore's as you so eloquently and fittingly named them - I beg, hope and plead to have you back with us for the next Songwriters Challenge!

3rd Place - @kayclarity - January

Well apparently the final week is all about making the judges become blubbering babies, because yet again you have rendered me to tears with this extremely moving tribute to your sister - honestly I'm a little emotional wreck since hearing it.

I simply cannot fathom the loss of my own sister, the tragic devastation makes me well up just at the thought - your emotionally passionate performance captured an amazing and dramatic moment in your life, I feel honoured that you had the courage and strength to share it with us.

This song has the ability to silence a room and expose them to extreme emotions, your words as always have depth and meaning - you tragically and yet beautifully convey not only your loss, but your own inability to cope with the situation (at last at first).

The emotional maturity to cover a topic like this with such profound elegance is just poetic, you really are a poet but also an extremely talented story teller and phenomenal musician - you have all the skills wrapped up in the perfect bundle, to create such moving music.

Your voice well what can I say about sublime perfection any way? Well in all seriousness, I haven't heard a single fault in your vocals on any entry thus far (this includes Open Mic) - your control and range just blow me away and the way in which you use it, shows your true master of your craft.

Every single time I listen to this song I fall a little more in love with it, such an insanely brilliant entry that I had to shine a light on for all of Steemit and the world to see - I just can't help but feel overwhelmed by extreme emotions and I have no idea how you performed it so flawlessly (on every attempt I have made to join you I just get way to emotional to make sounds).

You sparked my interest in Open Mic, but you stole my soul in Songwriters - you my friend have a true and loving fan of your amazing music, I just can't understand why entrants like you aren't famous already?

It's just such a touching song that will stick with me for all time, the way you used your vocals was just sublime - the perfect addition to an already brilliant song, I really am amazed at the sheer talent you have displayed thus far in the Challenge.

I can't find all the words I need to convey to you, the profound effect this song has had upon me - sometimes music covers things more thoroughly then words could ever achieve alone, but it has to be said this is just one of the most amazing songs I have ever heard Not Just In Open Mic and Songwriters Challenge but ever.

Your composition and structure of this song are the epitome of perfection, the language you use is always complex in nature and topic and this week you didn't let us down.

You sparked my attention many moons ago in Open Mic and then when I hadn't seen you for a while I thought we might have lost you, but I am so relieved in fact thrilled that you have resurfaced here and at Open Mic - you have an amazing gift and you share it with us each week and it really is a blessing for all to hear.

Now you have returned you are dominating with your raw skill and talent, you are a force in this Challenge and in Open Mic in general - your voice is one of the finest I've heard, coupled with your playing and songwriting what more could we ask for?

Well I will ask that you stay with us, I know life gets busy and I don't expect people to stay with us every single week - your a phenomenal addition to our growing family and an absolutely brilliant musician.

Your music is unique and fits you and your voice to divine perfection, I love your style and the focus you put on the lyrics and melody - you are a gifted songwriter and an insanely talented musician.

I hope to see you with us during the next Songwriters Challenge, you are such an incredible gift to this community and we value your amazing contributions with all our hearts.

4th Place - @luisferchav - Make believe

Your a true master of your craft, man I just love every single thing about this song - the lyrics, the melody, the music, the looper with you guitar percussion, just a perfect example of why we absolutely love your music.

I love your style and sound, you create such masterful creations - so polished to perfection, anyone unaware wouldn't have the slightest inkling you wrote this in days.

You have an amazing way of capturing the listeners attention and better yet you keep it, your performances are always so entertaining - I love watching you create the sound before our eyes, how it evolves with layers as you expertly add them in.

Your vocals are as always spot on with no fault to be heard, you have an exceptional vocal range and your control of it is paramount - the way you utilise the clear talents you display show either the versatility of your abilities, or depict just how controlled you really are.

You have won me over in every way and I may sound like a broken record, but you have made me a fan plain and simple - I haven't found this many musicians I want to follow and hear more from, in such rapid succession ever before in my life and I mean this with the utmost sincerity.

Your interpretation of this weeks theme is as always on the money, you gave us a new take and feel - whilst the song isn't happy, it still has a contagious energy and vibe that get me hooked on every listen.

Your lyrics depict the end throws of a relationship and the inability or unwillingness to let go, this is such a powerful topic to work with and one many can relate to I'm sure - you depict it with such brutal honesty and such a vulnerable, beautiful depiction of a truly broken place we can sometimes find ourselves in.

I love the way you utilise the looper for maximum effect throughout your performance, it isn't just the percussion through the guitar (something that sounds awesome and should be utilised more in music imo) - it's how you use it to layer in your vocals to fill out the sound so wonderfully.

I love hearing your music and best yet I love to sing along with it, you have the perfect combination of music to vocals - and your vocals are just sublime, I seriously could listen to you sing all day and never get board.

The versatility you have displayed not only here in the Songwriters Challenge, but over at Open Mic as well - what you produce can only be described as, phenomenal music with amazing craftsmanship resulting in utter musical gold.

I am so thrilled you have joined us here and so freely shared such an amazing part of your talents with us, with more and more entrants with your level of ability - Open Mic and the Songwriters Challenge will only continue to thrive.

We have the most amazing community, or as I should say family because the way in which we support one and other is just like a family would - and with entries like this it's not surprising a bunch of musicians are all lapping it up and eagerly awaiting their next serving.

You have such skill with creating an addictive hook, I love the line:

It's over
The writing's on the wall
There's no need to make believe

It's just brilliant the way you execute your vocals here and then you implement the vocal loop/echo effect and I am taken away, it is just everything I want in a song and more - better still that you used your guitar to effect your vocals and how they sounded, just such a creative use of both of your instruments.

I struggle to find more words for the term "perfection", but when it encapsulates what I have heard so precisely I just have to use it - I just want you to know, when I use such a word I do not use it lightly and your work is just that perfection.

I can't wait for round two of the Songwriters Challenge and I sincerely hope you will be there with us for take two of this amazing ride, you are a super talented musician and another brilliant addition to our growing Open Mic family.

5th Place - @vera.carla - Till we meet again

OK so did I miss the memo this week, where someone decided to make Krystle cry repeatedly????

Seriously people you are toying with my fragile emotions here, seriously what a beautifully tragic heart wrenching song - such powerful and emotion filled lyrics, you really smashed it with this entry.

I absolutely love the sorrowful tone of the music and spite of it being a sadder song, you kept the energy building throughout - coupling the building emotions in a beautiful and poetic symmetry.

I love how you describe the experience with such clarity, the way the child had to deal with the voluntary departure of a parent - truly left me a little shattered inside with this one, just so emotionally traumatic and yet beautiful in its own tragic way.

The melody is just sublime, I love the way you have structured it around your insane vocal abilities- they way you use that slide in your voice is just amazing, you create the most amazing sound.

The guitar again is beautiful accompaniment, you have composed a truly beautiful beautiful piece of music on it's own - but when you add the lyrics with those phenomenal vocals, you took it to a whole new level of brilliance.

I felt the passion and emotion in each and every word, how you delivered them with expert precision - how you use the song to question the frustration of uncertainty, the wanting to know why is captured in the most profound way possible.

This song almost feels like a form of catharsis, facing the issues that plague our thoughts and fears - I am not sure if this is a real story (not sure I can handle it if it is to be honest), but the way you have presented it and performed it the emotional impact is profound.

The way you describe the loss of not only guidance and support, but the love and nurturing your supposed to receive from a parent was just utterly breathtakingly devastating - your speaking to me on so many level through this song, it really is just a brilliant entry.

You captured the theme and created a story, full of a wide range of emotions and situations that just blew me away - I absolutely love the line:

I need to know, do you regret leaving home?
Did it ever feel like home?


I do remember we used to be so close
Until the day you told us that you'd found another love
Remember that you promised to walk me down the aisle
Well, daddy, I guess you missed it like you missed your grandson

well and this bit too

Till we meet again
I'll try to fix my broken pieces
Till we meet again
I'll wait

Well OK let's face it there really wasn't anything I didn't like, but I just wanted to highlight some of the power centres worth a little extra focus - you really bought out the big guns with this entry and just blew me away with the sheer strength conveyed in this song.

I know I already mentioned your vocals but really, they deserve more focus because that is what always captures me with music like this - if the vocals are off it just doesn't work the way it's intended.

Your vocals are sublime perfection, I am such a fan of your voice from the very first moment I heard you sing - I could hear your sublime vocal talents and I am thrilled to learn just how far your talents truly go.

It has been an absolute pleasure having you join us in both Open Mic and the Songwriters Challenge, I really hope to continue to hear more from you in both contests in the future - your such an amazing musician and I just can't get enough!

Honourable Mentions:

@melavie - High on life

You melted me again with another beautiful and unique entry, I love your skills not only as a songwriter but as a musician as well - it has been an absolute pleasure, hearing countless phenomenal entries from you over the weeks.

I believe the skills you showed in the construction of this song are just brilliant, writing one song about one theme can be a challenge and then you go and blow us all away by incorporating multiple themes into one song - just wow lovely, you have shown us once again your mastery of this art.

@tarotbyfergus - Fare thee Well

This week was impossible to choose the top 5, but I wanted to acknowledge yet another fantastic entry you have delivered us - what a truly remarkable, sweet and sad song, this makes me even more sad to see the end of this amazing ride of Songwriters Challenge.

You have made me such a fan of your music, from the journey you took me on the Bonnie Whitetail to the Alien's Agenda - the way you showed an evolution from Down at the Lost and Found taking us on a longer journey into The Right Time To Say It.

This was a beautiful entry and again right up there in its awesomeness factor, but I can't finish this without a special call back to the absolutely brilliant poetic justice packed epicness - that is, was and forever will remain to be, When Animals Attack!

@chaifm - Walk in beauty

Yet another stunningly beautiful and deep song, I love the depth of your emotion and how you convey it through the melody - this is just brilliant sweet and sorrowful, you always make me feel when I listen to your music.

You have been a valued entrant throughout the challenge and I have loved your interpretations of the weekly themes, it has been such a pleasure to have you share your music with us - thank you so much for joining us.

@jaybird - 90 Days

What can I say Jay, you have become a staple of not only Open Mic but now the Songwriters Challenge as well - I hope you realise what an integral part of our little (well growing) musical family you have become, it just wouldn't be Songwriters without you.

I love your music and your creativity with each weeks themes, you have a truly amazing voice with some insane power behind it - I'm a little sad this Challenge is over and I truly hope to see you with us next time around (when we figure out when that is of course).

@joseacabrerav - Raciosimio

It might drive some people crazy but you and those like you are the very reason I delay in posting my top 5 picks, I want to ensure I've heard the very best that have entered each week - and that paid off so well this week my friend, I not only managed to catch your entry but @jaybirds as well (both brilliant entries deserving of full attention).

You blew me away from the very first song I heard you enter in Open Mic and you haven't failed to impress me at each turn of this Challenge, you have amazing songwriting skills and a truly brilliant voice and skill to pull it off - you're the complete package and destined for great things, it's truly awesome to see you in a studio!

@kendramoriah - Till We Meet Again

You may be new to Steemit, Open Mic and Songwriters but you are making some serious waves with your insane skills - I am truly becoming a massive fan of your original music, I'm so glad you found us.

Even though it's the final week of the Songwriters Challenge, I just have to say what a truly beautiful entry - you have a stunning voice and I desperatly hope you will join us in the next round TBA.

@caracortada -No Lies

Yes, yes, yes I just love absolutely everything about this song, what a truly amazing entry - your vocals were just next level brilliant and accompanied by the rhythmic guitar, the energy and passion was impossible to contain.

A great interpretation of this weeks theme, what an absolutely brilliant song - I keep listening to it on repeat and can't help but move each time, I truly hope you will join us in the next Challenge you will be a force to be reckoned with.

@rial17 - Till We Meet Again

Such sublime vocals coupled with a truly beautiful song, this is just a brilliant entry and I had to give you a special shout out.

I can't wait for the next round of the Songwriters Challenge, in this last week we have had another surge or amazing talents and you are one for sure - I hope we will see you in the next round!

@mcmusic - Till we meet again

Another newer face and lovely voice coming to join our little Challenge, what a beautiful song and a lovely melody you have created - I absolutely love this entry and had to give it a special mention.

I am so happy to have this new wave of talent coming at us from all over the globe, I hope to see you with us at the next Songwriters Challenge.

@ivan.atman-New Designs

What a really brilliant sound you have created for us, you may be new to us but you haven't gone unnoticed - you have great songwriting skills and the voice to pull it all together.

I have been loving your entries so far, I hope to see you joining us in the next Songwriters Challenge.

@permadibdba - Till we Meet again

This is why we need to do a second Songwriters Challenge, we have so many super talented new faces showing up and just killing it with their amazing entries - this was such a joy to hear.

I hope you will join us in Open Mic and the next round of the Songwriters Challenge, you have an impressive vocal range and control - I really look forward to hearing more from you soon.


What a unique and beautiful sound, I have been really enjoying your entries and you haven't failed to impress me yet again - with another brilliant entry and original song.

I look forward to seeing and hearing more from you in Open Mic and the future Songwriters Challenges, your a great musician and I really loved this song.

@senzenfrenz -Till we meet again (petrified heart)

Just wow another brilliant entry from you @senzenfrenz, I absolutely love your music - your composition skills are profound and poetic, you are an amazingly talented musician and I wanted to give you a special mention for this amazing song.

I love your classical influences and how your compositions are just so varied and complex, you have created an amazing sound with this song - it has become a favourite of mine and a standout entry in general, I hope to see you with us during the next Songwriters Challenge.

So that was a big post even for me, but I hope you can all understand why I wanted to add a little extra this week - you have all just done such an amazingly profound undertaking and you all deserve a massive shout out, I wish I could mention you all.

It really has been such an epic and amazing journey you have all taken us on, as a judge I feel like I am just here for the ride - but each week you guys just kept steeping up your game, you bought it in the best possible way and I am ever so grateful to be a part of this and share this with all of you.

It is a humbling experience to watch people pouring their heart and souls into their music and getting little to no recognition for their efforts, but I hope in some small way this acknowledges the clear and sheer talent we have accumulated - by way of our brilliant entrants.

If it wasn't for all of you creating such a phenomenal environment, full of love and compassion and a shared passion for music non of this would be possible - you guys made this Challenge what it is today and it is a remarkable thing to be a part of.

I am sad to see the end of this Challenge, but as some of you may have gathered - with such a profound success as this first round has been, we just have to do it again!

Now I promise we will let you all know more when we do, this has been such a whirlwind experience it's hard to believe it's really almost all over now - you have all achieved so much in this 8 weeks, I want you to know you have done the Open Mic family proud with your amazing efforts.

As we tally up the final scores and begin the preparation, of announcing our lucky and ever so deserving winner - we might have finished the Challenge, but the ride is still going so hold onto your hats for some very epic news in the coming days (I swear it is worth the wait guys, hehehe - sorry got a little excited there).

I can't begin to explain what a unique and humbling experience this has been for me, but you should all feel a massive sense of accomplishment - you guys achieved greatness on many levels and I am just bewildered by the outcomes we have witnessed.

Now it is all about you guys the entrants, but I just had to do an epic shout out to @luzcypher who has graciously donated his time and energy to host this new Challenge - with all he has to do with the main Open Mic I think we all need to head on over and show him some much deserved love and appreciation.

The time and effort he puts in each and every week leaves me gobsmacked, he is the dedicated leader of our band of musos and classic all round top bloke - he created Open Mic fostered into what it is today and gives so much to this community, he deserves a whole lot more than he gets for what he does here.

Then of course how could I not mention our beloved sponsor and judge @meno, we are all here after 8 crazy weeks because of this guys absolute genius - he had the idea and then backed it up with a truly insane prize, he got this ball rolling and I will be forever grateful for all he has contributed to create this Challenge.

Last but not least is @passion-ground, his name really sums it up people - the man is filled with passion for music, he puts in a tone of effort and deserves some love for all he contributes - not only to the Songwriters Challenge and Open Mic but the musicians on steemit in general.

But as always none of it wouldn't exist if it wasn't for your music, your thoughts and your brilliant creations that have simply amazed me for weeks now - you should all be so proud, I know I am and all I did was listen.

Thank you for your amazing gifts and for sharing them with us, you guys rock and I will miss this - so till we meet again, farewell my friends it's been gold!

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