STEEMIT OPEN MIC WEEK 88 | All of Me (Cover) | Open Micに挑戦!

I participated in the STEEMIT OPEN MIC WEEK for the first time in three weeks.

STEEMIT OPEN MIC WEEKに3週間ぶりに挑戦してみました。

The song is "All of Me". It is a standard jazz.

曲は「All of Me」。典型的なスタンダードジャズです。

Standard jazz is the number that is traditionally played in jazz.


Especially famous songs include ”Tennessee · Waltz”,”Autumn leaves", "Take the A train".


Jazz players around the world have music score of standard jazz and are playing using it.


"All of Me" is a song that is played very well.

All of Meもとてもよく演奏される曲です。

As this song is nice, Japanese jazz players are playing with everyone to make the end of the session exciting that sounds fun but it is this song of great broken heart when reading the lyrics, so Maybe it's not good to sing at the wedding ceremony.


It's fun to sing while playing the piano!

今回のOPEN MICでも歌を歌わせていただきましたが、歌はやっぱり楽しいものですね!

Of course it's fun to play instruments, but singing is another fun.


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