Steemit Openmic week 121 / "AMOR ETERNO" by @dianakyv


Saludos mis queridos steemians, contenta de estar nuevamente con ustedes y de compartir lo que tanto nos gusta, la música. Para la semana 121 quise compartir nuevamente una pieza que monte hace dos meses aproximadamente y que por error en la etiqueta (puse el numero malo de la entrada) no obtuve la entrada y por esa razón los jueces no me evaluaron, esta vez revise cuidadosamente que todo esté en orden.

Amor Eterno es una pieza del cantante mexicano Juan Gabriel, una pieza sumamente sentimental y escrita en honor a su madre luego de su fallecimiento. Quiero agradecerle enormemente a @enriquemarval por siempre acompañarme en cada entrada y por su apoyo incondicional. De igual manera agradecer a todo el equipo de openmic.


Tú eres la tristeza de mis ojos
Que lloran en silencio por tu amor
Me miro en el espejo y veo en mi rostro
El tiempo que he sufrido por tu adiós
Obligo a que te olvide el pensamiento
Pues, siempre estoy pensando en el ayer
Prefiero estar dormida que despierto
De tanto que me duele que no estés

Como quisiera, ay
Que tú vivieras
Que tus ojitos jamás se hubieran
Cerrado nunca y estar mirándolos
Amor eterno E inolvidable
Tarde o temprano yo voy a estar contigo
Para seguir, amándonos

Yo he sufrido tanto por tu ausencia
Desde ese día hasta hoy, no soy feliz
Y aunque tengo tranquila mi conciencia
Sé que pude haber yo hecho más por ti
Oscura soledad estoy viviendo yo
La misma soledad de tu sepulcro,
tú eres el amor de cual yo tengo
El más triste recuerdo de Acapulco

Como quisiera, ay
Que tú vivieras
Que tus ojitos jamás se hubieran
Cerrado nunca y estar mirándolos
Amor eterno E inolvidable
Tarde o temprano yo voy a estar contigo
Para seguir, amándonos


Greetings my dear steemians, happy to be with you again and share what we like so much, music. For week 121 I wanted to share again a piece that I built two months ago and that by mistake on the label (I put the bad number of the entry) I did not get the entry and for that reason the judges did not evaluate me, this time carefully check that everything is in order.

Amor Eterno is a piece by Mexican singer Juan Gabriel, an extremely sentimental piece written in honor of his mother after his death. I want to thank @Enriquemarval enormously for always accompanying me in each entry and for their unconditional support. Likewise, thank all the openmic team.


You are the sadness of my eyes
They cry in silence for your love
I look in the mirror and see in my face
The time I have suffered for your goodbye
I force you to forget the thought
Well, I'm always thinking about yesterday
I prefer to be asleep than I wake up
As much as it hurts that you're not

As I would like, ay
That you lived
That your eyes never would have
Never closed and looking at them
Eternal love And unforgettable
Sooner or later I will be with you
To continue, loving us

I have suffered so much because of your absence
From that day until today, I am not happy
And although I have quiet my conscience
I know I could have done more for you
Dark loneliness I'm living
The same loneliness of your grave,
you are the love of which I have
The saddest memory of Acapulco

As I would like, ay
That you lived
That your eyes never would have
Never closed and looking at them
Eternal love And unforgettable
Sooner or later I will be with you
To continue, loving us

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