Estimate Product Shipping with Knowband | OpenCart Product Availability Check by Zipcode

OpenCart Product Availability Check by Zipcode Extension by Knowband is basically an automated system helping your site visitors and customers to check the product shipping availability on the zip code they have entered on the product page. It is necessary to enable the OpenCart product zipcode validator on your website as your customers can effortlessly check the availability or the non-availability of the products in their specific respective ZIP codes. This way you can restrict them in adding the desired product which subsequently will reduce the cart abandonment rates of the eCommerce shop. 

This Shipping Availability Check feature added using OpenCart zipcode extension is a much-required feature for an eCommerce store to check the availability of a product to be shipped to a specific zip code. The customer can check the product availability direct from the product page by entering a zip code for their location. A message is displayed on the frontend if the product is available or unavailable for the entered zip code.

Outlook to the features of striking Product zipcode validator module

  • Quick to enable or disable this OpenCart Product Availability Check by Zipcode Extension from the backend admin panel.
  • OpenCart Product Postal Code Validator Module displays product availability check result on the frontend as the customer enters their zipcode into the provided validator block.
  • With OpenCart Availability check by zipcode module, you can add unlimited global zones for product delivery and unlimited zipcodes can be mapped under those global zones. 
  • OpenCart product zipcode validator restricts shipping availability for specific products on the store. 
  • You can upload zipcodes, global zones and their mapping with products using CSV file from the back-office of OpenCart Product Postal Code Validator. 
  • For a seamless shopping experience for the users, you can show estimated delivery days and date based on the selected pin codes using OpenCart zipcode validator.
  • Let users check the product availability for specific ZIP codes entered by the customer on the product page.
  • Show or hide the Add to Cart button on the product page based on the shipping availability check result shown on the product page using OpenCart Product Availability Check by Zipcode module.
  • You have the option to enable or disable Pincode serviceability for specific products of the store.
  • OpenCart Product Postal Code Validator extension is mobile responsive that works both with mobile and tablet devices. 
  • OpenCart Availability check by zipcode gives version compatibility with Opencart 2.0.x - 3.0.x. 
  • OpenCart product zipcode validator works flawlessly with multiple languages and stores. 

OpenCart product zipcode validator link
OpenCart Product Availability Check by Zipcode module User Manual
OpenCart zipcode extension admin demo
OpenCart zipcode extension front demo
Watch video tutorial for OpenCart Product Postal Code Validator
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