Steemit Open Mic Night Week 64 Original: Winter Time Didgeridoo With Special Guest Quinoku

Wow its been a LONG time since I entered an Open Mic!

Which is crazy because I entered the very first one and have been a prime supporter of the project since the beginning. I even gave a ticket to @luzcypher to go to SteemFest to honor the important works!  You can check out my Open Mic anniversary special containing all my best entries for the year here. 

I really love this contest as I feel its really great for the Steemit community. I have written extensively about it many times. I have been participating since about week 1 and have always made a point to support this project as I feel it is one of the most valuable projects happening on Steemit. Not only is it good for the musicians who as we know always need support as it is very difficult to make it as a musician in this world. 

However it is also really awesome for Steemit as a whole because music transcends language and brings people together. Everyone loves some kind of music and thus with this international community there is great potential for exchange. Also many musicians have followers/fans and if Steemit becomes a place to help musicians succeed they will then start using Steemit and bringing all their fans as well!

So again a special thanks to @luzcypher for starting and hosting this for over a year! Thats some commitment and consistency for sure! 

Of course a SUPER thanks to @pfunk for sponsoring this all this time as we may not even have Open Mic without that. It is what provides the incentive to participate. I have known @pfunk for over a year here on Steemit and I believe he has a good grasp on whats beneficial for this community and deserves a serious witness consideration!

Also @verbal-d deserves a shout out as well for inspiring this contest and participating so many times. He is also an official judge of the contest and is without a doubt one of the top musical icons here on Steemit bringing the raw creativity we love so much about music! 

Also @soundlegion is an official judge and very involved in this project as is @passion-ground a new passionate supporter of the Open Mic Project as well!

Without further ado ∞§∞Didgeridoo∞§∞

If you like this video please consider giving it a vote even just 1% on the official contest page. 

I am now doing 50/50 payout posts simply because the SBD is so insanely high at the moment, but I will be converting it all to $teem and powering up of course!

I appreciate your support and am grateful to be here on Steemit. I welcome any feedback you have to offer as well as an upvote!


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