Dear Students,

It shouldn’t take you too long to realise the scam doing on in Near East University. Don’t wait till you have a personal experience with them, learn from other people experiences. Thousands of students are stranded on the Island, courtesy of #NearEastUniversity.

Always collect your Transcript after each successful semester, it is better to be safe than sorry. Do not fall victim to this scam.

If you are already having issues with them, we strongly advise that you transfer to Cyprus International University, Girne American University or some other Universities with more transparent fee policies. Near East University is a scam.

When you go to International office and they tell you that your debt is xxxx Euro and ask you to go and pay, ask for an official invoice, don’t accept it as some figures written on a sheet of paper, if you do, you could do and pay, come back that same day and they tell you that your debt has double or even triple. Be wise as Serpent and harmless as s dove.

if your debt is xxxx Euro, provided you don’t have the complete sum to pay, do not fall to the trick of accepting a payment plan or them asking you to pay what you can submit some petition, you will pay still you grow bear bear, the more you more, the more the debt keeps compounding, transfer. This may not be easy because they will withhold your official Transcript, but even if it means you going to start afresh in these other Universities, that will be better than you paying accumulated debts only for you to graduate and they refuse to give you your diploma. We see students forfeit two, three, four years of study in Near East University to go back home or go start afresh in some other Universities. We also have cases of Master students paying over 5000 Euros as tuition to Near East University and yet the University has bluntly refuse to release student diploma because according to them this students are still owning them, whereas a Master degree program in CIU or GAU do not cost more than 4000 Euro. It hurt us that student are passing through this in the hands of Near East University and no one is saying or doing anything about it and we will continue to fight to get justice for this students.

We will continue to push to see that we restore fairness and justice in Near East University, we are doing so many things underground to see to that and will be unveiling them as we proceed. However, we cannot guarantee how soon we will get this happen so we strongly advise that you take precautionary measures, transfer if you can, re-enroll in some other Universities if you have to, time is priceless, do not waste it on some group of scammers that call themselves a University.


Continue to send us your stories and emails especially those that concern this fraud the University call policies, we need them to testify against the University when we eventually file a lawsuit against it.




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Yours in Service,

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