Why I Don’t Really Talk About Racism or Black Empowerment That Much Anymore


I got an email a few days ago from somebody asking me why it appears that I have changed my tone on this website in regards to talking about racism, white supremacy & black empowerment. This person claims to have been reading my posts & listening to my podcasts for the last 4 years (to which I appreciate) but they have noticed a significant change in the things I say and they would like to know why.

Well, it’s rather simple. It’s a waste of time in my opinion to talk about the same ole shit over & over again. Seriously, how many blog posts must I type or podcasts must I record to where I’m literally talking about the same topic over & over again. If you’ve been a fan of this website since I first started it back in December of 2013, then you should know that I’ve personally discussed these topics ad nauseam. How many more blogs or podcast do you need from me telling you about racism and white supremacy? How many more blog posts do you need from me talking about black economic empowerment? Further, when are you going to realize that most of these discussions are nothing but pure entertainment on social media that black people find comfort in, yet won’t actually do anything about them in real life?

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