Fine, I’ll Own It…I’m a Weak Black Man


After numerous social media debates and having read numerous articles on line about what black women & male black feminists perceive to be a weak black man…I must concede to defeat and admit that I am one weak black male. You all win. So here’s my confession…

I am a weak black man because I’ve been married to my black wife for 12 years.

I am a weak black man because I believe in being the head of my household.

I am a weak black man because I believe in raising my sons to be men and men only.

I am a weak black man because I believe in marriage & a 2 parent household.

I am a weak black man because I’m not about to let a femi-negro tell me shit about how to be a man considering she’s never been one.

I am a weak black man because I’m not about to let a single mother convince me that she can raise a boy to be a man (same for single fathers thinking they can raise girls to be women).

I am a weak black man because I don’t want to marry a woman who has no issue with just throwing her coochie to anybody all willy nilly.

I am a weak black man because I will fuck one of these women who tosses her coochie all carefree without thinking twice about it, but still will have no desire to marry her.

I am a weak black man because I’m not interested in marrying a woman who already has kids.

I am a weak black man because I will fuck one of these single mothers with the quickness and still have no desire to marry her.

I am a weak black man because I am not about to go out of my way to change my pronouns around to “properly” address trans people.

I am a weak black man because I am not about to date a trans woman.

I am a weak black man because I don’t believe trans women are women and you are not about to convince me to see something other than what my eyes are actually showing me.

I am a weak black man because I’m not interested in hearing trans women make excuses for why they can’t inform straight men of their trans status PRIOR to any form of intimacy.

I am a weak black man because I believe there are certain things men are better at doing than women (and vice versa).

I am a weak black man because I’m not going to cosign any and everything a black woman says just because she is a woman and feels a certain way.

I am a weak black man because I was raised in a 2 parent household and taught to be a man by my father…not a single mother.

I am a weak black man because I’m not about to change up my vocabulary to include the word “cis” into it.

I am a weak black man who believes in being the breadwinner of my household.

I am a weak black man who married a black woman who looks to me be the leader and protector of our family.

I am a weak black man because my woman is not going to wear the pants in our relationship.

I am a weak black man because even if my woman was making more money than me, none of that would mean a damn thing if she didn’t respect me as the head of our household.

I am a weak black man because I honestly don’t give a shit if black women date white men.

I am a weak black man because I honestly don’t give a shit if black men date white women.

I am a weak black man because I don’t think there is anything to celebrate when it comes to being a single mother.

I am a weak black man because I don’t think there is anything to celebrate when it comes to niggas impregnating women and leaving the women to fend for themselves.

I am a weak black man because I am not depending upon nor am I looking for a woman to physically protect me (nor am I am looking for another man to do it either).

I am a weak black man because I don’t give a shit how many degrees a woman has especially if a woman can’t do basic womanly shit to please her man.

I am a weak black man because I don’t allow my wife to pay the bill when we go out to eat.

I am a weak black man because I think women need to do a better job at selecting men before they spread their legs to let a nigga skeet up in them.

I am a weak black man because I think men need to do a better job at selecting women before skeeting all up in them.

I am a weak black man because I think black feminists and black male feminists are the cry babies of all black people who can’t figure out how to get their fucking lives together.

I am a weak black man because I think damn near all pro-blacks are fucking insane and wish they could be a white supremacist with some power.

I am a weak black man because one day I may call myself black and the next day I may call myself biracial or mulatto all while telling non-mixed black people “at least I ain’t bottom of the barrel black-black” when they get on my fucking nerves about trying to tell me what I am.

I am a weak black man because most importantly, I actually have a real life outside of social media that is probably better than 95% of the people who are currently reading this and I have no regrets about my life nor am I going to change my situation up to make you feel better.

So with that being said…I’ll continue to be a weak black man dealing with my fragile masculinity problems because I’m not interested in being a black male bitch whose only mission in life is to bow down and appease black women and their extra feminine male flunkies who have yet to figure out that most of these women don’t want them to begin with.

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