Being “Pro-Black” is a Futile Endeavor

pro black, black fist, onyx truth.jpg

Now, I don’t know Dr. Boyce Watkins or Charles Wu, but I have been following Dr. Boyce Watkins for quite a few years on YouTube and I’m just going to make that educated assumption that Dr. Boyce Watkins hired Charles Wu to help Dr. Watkins market his products to black people more effectively simply because black people is Dr. Watkins’ prime demographic. Charles Wu, to my understanding, just happens to be a marketing expert who knows how to tap into the emotional appeal of people in order to convince people to buy and/or invest in a product of service which is standard operating procedures for any marketer or company looking to market a product. Now the problem with Charles Wu is that a video surfaced where Charles Wu was talking to another gentleman about how he markets products. During this video Charles Wu brought up one of his clients as an example to explain the power of marketing and this client just happened to be Dr. Boyce Watkins. During this video Charles Wu was speaking strictly as a marketer talking about a client but he used some questionable language which could easily lead gullible conspiracy driven knee grows to believe that Charles Wu is some type of puppet master pulling all the strings and that Dr. Boyce Watkins is the black face of a Charles Wu company and/or product line in order to siphon black dollars back into the Asian community. Reality is, that conspiracy is probably complete bullshit and Charles Wu probably was speaking strictly as a marketing guy talking about a success story of one his clients to another person on that video and also that Charles Wu probably had no earthly idea how serious the conspiracy of “down with whitey, da man and anybody else not black” can be in the black community. Charles Wu was probably at home getting inbox messages clueless as fuck as to what was taking place which would cause countless pro-black knee grows on the interwebs to believe that Dr. Boyce Watkins was his employee.

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