Should we be worried about ONO as a competitor to Steemit?


A new social network will be launching in ...4, 3, 2, 1 days

There are already a number of networks out there, but none of them has ever made me think they might be a serious competitor to Steemit.

This one is different, though, and for the first time I believe this could be really serious.

It's not just that this one is BIG, and the founders really know what they are doing. They have built successful projects and platforms before and onboarded millions of members to it.

But there's another, more important reason:

It's great timing (for them)

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What I notice when I look at existing social networks

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  • People want their data to be secure and private [ --> that's not Facebook ]
  • People want to connect, have fun, share valuable content and have equal opportunities & a fair reward system for all [ --> that's not Steemit ]

What worries me:

Many of my favorite people here on Steemit post less and less.

  • Are they discouraged because they don't see the progress they were hoping for on the platform?
  • Are they tired of watching ego battles between community members or even the higher ups?
  • Are they not seeing enough rewards for their hard work?

I don't know.

What I know for sure:

People will go where they feel best.

Every decision we make in life is based on how we think it will make us feel.

If they don't feel good on Steemit, in the Steemit community, and about the Steemit concept or progress - they will leave as soon as something comes along that promises them what they are missing. That's just human nature. (Whether that new platform will deliver on that promise is of course another question.)

I also know that if people have put a lot of effort in building the community here, but were constantly let down (or even attacked), they will put even more effort in building a new community somewhere else. And if they have been truly pissed off here, multiply the energy they'll put into that by 100.

How are they going to do that? By inspiring all their Steemit friends to follow them. One by one...

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What I'm looking for in a social network

A community function. The chance to run private or public groups.

I mean, I love being here, and I love connecting with everyone, and of course I love earning rewards with my posts. But what I was really hoping for, was to move my Facebook community to Steemit one day.

That doesn't seem to be happening any time soon, though. Maybe it's not highest priority for the Steemit developers, maybe it's something really complicated to build - who knows.

The truth is, the moment there's a platform that offers me a true alternative to Facebook communities, I will go there. My community members are asking for it - they want to leave Facebook - and I want to deliver that to them.

I am in service of my community members. Without them I wouldn't have a community.
I wish Steemit would think like that, too...

I would love to know different opinions

Why should I not worry about ONO?

Is there anything about Steemit that I'm not aware of, that could give me confidence in continuing my efforts here?

(There might be a lot - I'm not here every day and I tend to ignore all the negative comments and "flagging wars". That's the reason I missed a lot and it came as quite a shock to me just how many valued community members with thousands of followers have become increasingly unhappy on Steemit in the recent past.)

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