The Philosophy Of Building ONO - Introducing The Rube Goldberg Machine!

Sooo... haven‘t posted for a long time now.


Somehow I stumbled into this ONO Builders group some weeks ago. Still wondering how that happened...

But they told me:

„All flows naturally!“ And I believe in this!

I had a Feng Shui course several years before. I studied two years for it. Understanding some things about chinese philosophy.
That everything in the world is somehow connected.

And everything that developes and what we do always carries the seed of the opposite.
That‘s what the symbol of Yin and Yang tells us. The small Yin in the big Yang and other way round.

For me as a still Steemit newbie (joined december), it felt quite strange to meet people like the famous @Stellabelle.

And there are lots more of great people in this group, wanting to do something for a community where noone outside of China was even able to try yet how the app works...

But Why Do We Engage?

Those like me, who came from Steemit (and still also are there, in fact there is no better or worse),
often say, that they are not okay with how things started working there. You know... the voting bot and greed discussions... I think we can talk open about this, can‘t we? We NEED to talk open about these things.

We want to build a community, where the community is the most important thing! Not the money. Wether it‘s called Steemit or ONO.

During my time on Steemit, I had to realize, that this is a very difficult topic for myself. Would I really be here, if money was not involved?

How much is Steemit about communication and engaging with others? How much about the money? How much am I about engaging with others? And how much am I just wanting money?

I think we all want to communicate with the posts we do. We want attention. We want to tell our story. Some of us want to teach others something they don‘t seem to know.
It is our way of engaging with others on Steemit. Money is a big incentive in it. But should it ever become the most important one?

Many of us are idealistic.
Seeing a world changing future in blockchains...
I also do so!
I even think they can become as important as the invention of the internet itself.

But it needs a good community to grow them in a good way. To make more and more people believe in them. This is the higher goal for me.

ONO understands that a community is about engaging with others. About building communities.
And that everyone is equal in personality. That‘s what I understand when I read the whitepaper. And it’s my reason for staying in this group and wanting to find ways to help ONO building their community.

But with doing this we always also have to take a good look on our own intentions. Am I still on the right path? Has the opposite already developed in myself?

Where am I right now in this big circle of Yin and Yang?

Reminding myself that we all are something and almost nothing in that big circle

How easy can it happen, that we want to do something good and it turns out at the end as the opposite? How easy is it to lose our path in this fast internet community time?

I want to ask myself these questions every day now:
„Do I still follow my heart? Do I still follow good intentions and the most important incentives? Those of engaging in people and community?Am I still on the right path?“

With knowing the principle of Yin and Yang... I can try to be as self aware as I can... but it still always carries the seed of the opposite in it.

It’s important to create self awareness each day new and with everything we do

Boy... this is serious stuff! Need some fun music right now!
Let‘s always keep our sense of humour! We are community! Our planet makes us to one! We all are part of a Rube Goldberg Machine...

Love, peace and freedom to all of you!

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