Charlie - Comedy Writer : Sponsored Writing Contest: On.Live


Charlie made hundreds of 6-second video clips she shared on a popular online service. And people really liked them. They gave her thumbs up, shared her videos, created memes, and added her to compilations of other funny shorts. She enjoyed mashing up weird bits into short comedy clips. She actually thought her videos might help her get discovered by a comedy writing team. And she was starting to attract students who wanted to learn the secret to her success. Then the popular service went out of business. Just like that, Charlie lost connection to her audience, fun, and one of the most creative things she had ever done.

The online service claimed they couldn't pay for the video storage anymore. This seemed odd to Charlie because the service seemed to sell a lot of advertising. She provided them her clips for free. In fact, she was spending a lot of time and money making the videos. It seemed to her she was doing all the work and they were getting all the reward. It turned out the online service just decided to move on and they took all of Charlie's videos with them.


After she lost her channel, Charlie discovered the On.Live platform, which promised to not only give her control over her content, but also let her decide how to make it pay. She can create special live comedy shows, offer comedy writing channels, stream her clips, and collect money from her audience. On.Live put her back in the creativity business, let he go back to doing what she loves, and let her get paid to do it.

With On.Live, Charlie offered comedy writing classes, personal training, and still could put together videos for fun. She also pocketed the money and didn't have to share it with some company that only saw her as a way to get free content. On.Live helped Charlie make comedy fun and profitable.

This is an @OriginalWorks contest post.


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