Education is KEY for the development of a country.

This is my reflection on my first video post on LinkedIn, where I created an interactive dashboard to explore the different taxes on Udemy.

I don't want this to turn political. I know people don't love to discuss serious stuff, but I have to say it.

In the age of digital and remote, we still behave like there's a single, universal person, world-wide.

Most digital products are sold for the same price, but not the same relative cost.
A real example:

If you're a Swiss student wanting to enroll in a 100€ online course, you would pay 107.7€. Switzerland is a highly developed country and has been the most innovative country in the world (Global Innovation Index) for years now, and has a net salary average of 4.588€.

If you're a Portuguese student, you would pay 123.00€ for the same course.

23% is the tax paid in Portugal, 3 times the Swiss tax.
23%~ is also how much a Portuguese person earns compared to a Swiss one (1.041€ vs 4.588€).

Yes, the costs of living are different, but so is the disposable income and savings.

This is Europe. Increase your scope to be worldwide, and inequality becomes more and more noticeable.

Education is KEY for the development of a country.

Remote work won't solve inequality of opportunity until the costs of a good education are the same, whenever you were born.



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