A "Known Thug" joins "The Blue-Ballers" ranks at the start of this new season!

Hi guys and gals!

I´m here to tell you about my newest Splinterlands aquisition! As i welcome the KNOWN THUG! Grum "flameblade" to "The Blue-Ballerz"

Since my operations go beyond competition, as i also rent out quite some cards beliving that its a nice bonus having some DEC come in as your cards appreciate in value! Who wouldnt like such a deal! LOLZ!


Well this legendary KILLER, has some brutal stats with 10 Life and 4 attack, as well as wearing a shield as well as beiing heavily defended aqainst magic attacks. Especially if you level one up as i did, he also gets the traid "magic void". leaving him one of your healthyest options as a frontline tank with todays meta with them green magic based decks and such and such! F*** em!

However now apropriate to inrtroduce a KNOWN SLUT! Nessa Trifork!, but aldready they are spreading rumours of a relationship forming betwene the two


This might stir up some trouble since she´s been known to be "officially" "sleeping with" The Deep Lurker,m, another team member!

As the week developes i will bring you all the news of the team and it´s members, who currently have losty theyr Bronze II status becouse possibly intoxicated manager "autopiloted" some battles!

This has been Eythorophoto with some news of "The Blue Ballerz"

Have a nice weekebnd evrybody!


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