Earn ONEUP by Being Active in the 1Up Gaming Community

One project I'm pretty excited about is 1UP. The ONEUP token is a relatively new Hive-Engine token that powers the whole community called, in fact, 1UP. The website is 1up.zone.

The outpost is dedicated to play-to-earn games, the NFT world, and blockchain gaming at large. I've got the feeling that this project will become much larger than we think.

Earn ONEUP by Being Active in the 1Up Community Gaming Content.png
Logo on image owned by @oneup

The Gaming Industry is Killing the 9-5

As eloquently explained by @flauwy in his original post on 1up, we're seeing some true disruption in the gaming industry. Some people, in some countries, are replacing their 9-5 jobs with play-to-earn gaming.

Axie Infinity and @splinterlands are two prime examples of this trend. However, when you read Splintertalk.io, you are only learning about Splinterlands.

But, there are many more games out there than just Axie Infinity and @splinterlands.

So, to find and reward a more generic type of gaming content on Hive, @flauwy and his team created the 1UP community with its ONEUP token.

Use the Right Tags to Earn ONEUP

Let's talk about how you can start earning ONEUP tokens.

The most obvious way to do that is writing. You can use the 1up.zone frontend but also other platforms like @leofinance and @peakd for example.

All you need to do is use the right hashtags on your post to appear on 1up.zone.

The first tag is:


Use this correctly though, because as @flauwy mentioned in this post, you might get a downvote and a notification if you use the tag on non-relevant content.


Other tags are:


Regarding these two tags above, it was mentioned in this post here that the tag splinterlands was changed from the previous spt (see image below).


Finally, you can also use the following tag:


NFT and gaming are very much connected, and 1UP will be filled with NFT content as well.

Get Involved and Earn Thanks to Engage1UP

Writing about gaming on 1UP will earn you ONEUP tokens, but that is not the only way.

@engage1up is a comment curator for the 1UP community. As we said, you can earn tokens by writing blog posts, but also by contributing to the discussion. The @engage1up account is designed to fuel the most important part of any online tribe or community, which is engagement.

In this blog post, @flauwy mentions that:

The first and largest delegation of 50k went to @engage1up, the Comment Curator for 1UP, managed by @jongolson, @blainjones and @elianaicgomes. They created a tool to track comments done on #oneup posts and reward the better ones. Read more about their initiative here.

Isn't that just exciting? You can earn by contributing with positive comments.

Remember though, this is not a content curation project. Instead, it's a comment curation project. It's your comments that count here.

Every day, the @engage1up project will be tracking and monitoring all the comments on the tribe's front end and reward the most active and engaging community members with upvotes.

It's worth noting that @engage1up will not consider comments that bring no value to the discussion. As they mentioned in this post:

Comments like 'nice post' or low value comments like 'great' will not count for the tracking. The purpose of the engagement tracker is to find the community members adding the most value to the conversations!

Earn Passively With ONEUP and Diesel Pools

Is there anything sexier than passive income? Yes, maybe there is, but let's take a look at an extra way to earn with 1UP; passively.

As mentioned earlier, by being active on 1UP (blogging and commenting) you will earn ONEUP tokens.

And how about putting those tokes to work?

One way to do that is Diesel Pools.

Fellow creator @cantfoldaces briefly explains in this post how to use Diesel Pools to earn more passive income on the side.


As you can see from the image, you can provide liquidity to Diesel Pools with either the pair ONEUP:SPT or SWAP.HIVE:ONEUP.

ONEUP Liquidity Pools are available on both Tribaldex and BeeSwap (example above) with some great APRs.

So, there you have it. This was a brief introduction to the new ONEUP ecosystem.

Let me know what you think in the comments.

Ciao 👋😊

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