My Wax NFT Journey: 2023 WAX Office of Inspector General Elections!

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Once again it is time for OIG elections on the WAX blockchain!

This is an important role within the community, a group of representatives elected by the community to give reports on WAX Guilds (equivalent to Witnesses or Block Producers) and make sure they are operating the chain up to standard.

This is an interesting part of the governance on the WAX blockchain that I've noticed is different from a lot of other DPOS chains that I've been a part of.

I feel like the role serves a great purpose for the community overall, but it's a matter of getting the right people in there.

This can be a challenge with WAX not having as many social platforms to get awareness out about the election process. I'd like to see the awareness advertised on marketplaces in WAX like:

I feel like these are the places most active users are likely to see what's going on and will be able to participate. There might even be people from these teams that I think might be really good candidates too...

If you're in the WAX community, you know that OIG elections don't come without a level of controversy.

This yeah they added a 100 WAX fee to vote for OIG, which I'm personally not a fan of.

I don't recall there being a ton of candidates last year and I've heard voting participation was low as well.

I think looking at the previous year's participation along with the fee might prevent good candidates for the role from participating in the elections if they don't feel like it's "worth it" anymore.

Some of the ways the staked-based voting for the elections could be adjusted as well to make it were voters with the most money don't completely wipe out the vote of the majority of the community with fewer funds to back their votes.

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But overall, I just want to have the right people in the position. It can only be good for the blockchain and everyone who enjoys WAX.

It's a matter of getting the word out now.

I know there would be HUNDREDS of posts and articles about the OIG elections if there was a WAXHUB task associated with it so hopefully we see that soon.

But if you happen to know anyone who might be good for the position and willing to do the job, let me know in the comments!


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