2017 Milestones & Lessons and OneResolution For 2018 - Contest (Win 8 SBD)

I wish my plans were chewing gums,
So that I could stick to them,
But Alas! they are sweet candies,
They melt as soon as the taste is done.

— Hardik Vaghela

2017 has been a roller coaster ride for me. Depending on the perspective, it has been a very bad year for things that have taken place or a great year for the learnings they have provided me with.
The first half of 2017 was a tough time for me: financial condition wasn’t even close to what was required for the family, I was going back into depression and things weren’t looking positive.
Then right before my birthday on 22nd June 2017, I was introduced to Steemit by @tamsguitar. It was like a ray of hope for my life.

  1. Earned approx INR 100,000 since June from Steemit! This has helped me sustain myself during difficult times.
  2. Just crossed 800 followers a couple of days back!
  3. Made amazing new friends from all over the world
  4. Collaborated with International artists and got great feedback on my music.
  5. Got exposure for my band Alif’s music on an international level. People from all over the world have heard the album Sufayed and songs like Chouraha and Like A Sufi have been part of Blockchain Compilation Albums ( thanks @soundlegoin )and been played on blockchain podcasts and radio stations (thanks @topkpop ).
  6. Won OPEN MIC twice! Here & Here.
  7. Won the 50,000 SP delegation contest by @fyrstikken and received 75,000SP in delegations! (which I still believe I could have utilized better as I was a little minnow then with lots to learn).
  8. Learnt about cryptocurrencies and blockchain from the best. Attended the India Steemit accelerator workshop in Banglore conducted by @firepower where I travelled using the money earned right here on Steemit! And special thanks to the Indian community here on the Crypto India Discord Server for being there for me when I started and helped me through during my initial days and still continues to support ✨
  9. Been part of communities like #thealliance here which have helped me stay inspired and get over difficult times in my life ✨
  10. Helped raise money for a cause - approx INR 8000.

And many many more things! 6 months on steemit feels more like 6 years worth of experiene and learning!

In Oct 2017, I went through what Ryan Holiday calls "The Fight Club Moment" in his book "Ego is the Enemy".

In the novel Fight Club, the character Jack’s apartment is blown up. All of his possessions—“every stick of furniture,” which he pathetically loved—were lost. Later it turns out that Jack blew it up himself. He had multiple personalities, and “Tyler Durden” orchestrated the explosion to shock Jack from the sad stupor he was afraid to do anything about. The result was a journey into an entirely different and rather dark part of his life."
In fact, many significant life changes come from moments in which we are thoroughly demolished, in which everything we thought we knew about the world is rendered false. We might call these “Fight Club moments.”

I went through such a moment which made me relook at myself. Change my perspective and see stuff objectively. I started noting down characteristics about myself which were absolutely negative, which were holding me back from achieving my true potential and more than anything else, were preventing me from being truly happy.

One of them was my inability to execute my ideas.

I am nicknamed "The Idea Man" at my academy @muziclub. I always come with ideas which are radical and people haven't thought of before. But most of my ideas fail to take shape as I fail to act on them and execute. They stay in my head, or at the most get put down in black and white, but fail to see the light of the day. I talk big and do less.
This is my biggest realization and lesson from 2017.

My only resolution for 2018 is to counteract my tendency to just ideate and fail to execute.

The aim of 2018 is: Less talk, More Action!

This is one resolution which is going to impact all areas of my life. Unless anything tangible has been done about an idea, I am not even going to consider it as an achievement (which I used to do before). Take stuff from my head and bring it to life.

That brings us to the contest, which also happens to be the first idea I execute!

Since I crossed 800 followers, the prize is 8 SBD 😁

  1. Make one post with:
    1. Your 2017 milestones
    2. Your biggest lesson from 2017
    3. Your OneResolution for 2018
  2. Use the first tag as #OneResolution so that your post is easy to find.
  3. Put the link to your post in the comments of this post.
  4. Upvote this post

You have 7 days (till the payout of this post) to make your entries.

I will go through the entries personally and announce the one which I feel is purposeful, honest and from the heart.

And here is the best part: I will follow up with the person every month on the progress of the resolution. And he/she can do the same with me. Essentially we will be a team who will motivate each other to keep our resolutions. 😊✨

This way, it's not just a one-off thing, we essentially receive a partner & a friend to motivate and help us stay accountable.

So who is up for this challenge?

Do Resteem this post so that more and more people can see it.

✨ Have a Happy New Year Steemit Family ✨

♨️ STEEM ON ♨️

If you like my work, please UpVote, ReSteem and Follow me @hardikv

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