2017 in words: 365 days of learning, suffering and opportunities [Translated]

Sometimes, writing about ourselves is a process of self-discovery. Like the man who when looking at the flames of the fire is lost in your meditations until he reconciled with its past, so too we draw with arbitrarily, using words, the thread of the time that defines our life.

And is that when we write we feel potters. We use the clay to shape our characters and we tie them objectives that push them to live. We build their forms through our proportional mind, their tastes, by our subjective sense of reality… your feelings, for the memories and past loves. In essence, we are characters: Characters by creating other characters.

Let me, for that reason, treat me as such: become a paper "me", get dress of words, Tie me the memories and experiences of this year to the breast, and narrate, briefly, the history of 365 days

If I had to baptize 2017 I would do it with the name of "Discovery". During each of these days I have been immersed in small moments of suffering that have torn my soul: farewells, absences, needs and the sound of the clock behind me, chasing me like a dog with its chains, ready to remind me, day after day, that I should try harder. In the face of this, I have resorted to my best weapon: the objective analysis of the facts.

I am a man who finds in difficulties a reason to smile, not only because in them I destroy what I mistakenly I consider my limits, but because, also, they force me to face situations alien to the capacities of my experience and imagination. Thanks to this, this year I armed myself with the will and I was able to face problems that promised to become many small depressions. I used my fears and pains, longings and disappointments, to take the decisive step towards the life that I have been pursuing for six years: an eternal race in search of knowledge and service to heal the wounds lives of people.

In the 2017 I have ingratiate with myself. I accepted the role I had been escaping for a long time. For the first time i allowed myself to call me 'writer in formation", a title that had never accepted because I believe the writing as an art and with my modest work i still don't feel worthy to be under this name. However, this year I understood that I must train and deliver all my energy in what I am passionate about. For this I trusted myself, I sent my fears to another plane, I tried to strive every day and I adopted constancy as a mantra. All this led me to participate in some contests. I obtained the first place in the category of stories and the second in essays in the Intercollegiate Fair of Humanities 2017; I also obtained the second place in the Black Caracas Festival 2017 in the black story category. Simultaneously, I built two novel drafts, a feature film script and made the adaptation of a theatrical script.

And speaking of theater, it is precisely this place that shook the foundations of my perception of the world. I was a scriptwriter and actor in the play 'Fool for love to Sam Shepard'. During all tests and the final presentation, I discovered that the theater has a spell as intimate and profound that reconfigures the shape and the definition of life itself: when one is seduced by the lights, the dialogs and the work team, something very intimate changed forever, we begin to see ourselves as characters capable of molded and reconfigure itself to pleasure once mastered the technique and, in particular, the mind and the body.

Also in 2017 I was able to heal the mind of wounded lives; people who have flirted with depression that have been torn and lost in dark alleys, victims of the current situation my country. However, thanks to the efforts and the will, I am glad to say that I was able to distance myself from my own pain and accompany them very closely. Working with each one of them and i got involved in their lives to help them grow and use adversity as a cane.

Finally, one of my main pride, I managed to keep the honorary mention in my fifth semester of University, magna cum laude, in addition to maintain my scholarship for 100%, thanks to my average and the difficult situation that I walk across. I got, at the same time, new friendships with teachers and fantastic people: men and women who always thought they were naturally opposed to my life and ended up being pleasant friends and personal influences.

From 2017 I have a biggest lesson. This concept is born from my work in the theater and from constant reflection. It is the following: to build my way and grow in what I want, the best way to do it is to face who I am, build who I want to be and, once I have answered, internalize my answers, get into the skin of the dream that I visualize, trust in my abilities, treat me as a character and stage my decisions supported by my team work and the people who give me their friendship and value who I am.

Believe in my abilities and maintain constancy, trust those around me, know when to ask for help and, finally, tear my soul to get visible results. This was, definitely, my 2017.

It's almost time to say goodbye, my friend, or, maybe, to say hello again -it depends on how you read it-, because it's time to talk about The Now, this 2018 that is just beginning and I am very fond give it the name of 'Beginnings’. Beginnings because I have decided my resolution is build the first bridges to approach the place where I want to be tomorrow. For this I will dedicate myself every day to maintain what I have achieved so far and inject new challenges. My purpose this year will be to go one step further in the different components of my life. Work on a blog project; specify the novel sketch; write and collect at least 20 stories and search for the publication; participate in new contests; create a theater project in my university; continue supporting all the people who can advance facing the difficulties and, finally, believe in myself and in my abilities to achieve success.

I have only been in Steemit for a month and it seems right to say goodbye saying that in this wonderful community I see an opportunity to work on each of the points mentioned above. I am just one month away from my income at Steemit and I am feeling in an environment of opportunities. I thank you for reading and I hope that 2018 will be a year of Beginnings for you too.

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