Forgive but Never Forget - Forgiveness is a Given - Remembering is a Valuable Necessary Lesson - Failure Breeds Success

Forgive but Never Forget - Forgiveness is a Given - Remembering is a Valuable Necessary Lesson - Failure Breeds Success

Forgive but Never Forget - Forgiveness is a Given - Remembering is a Valuable Necessary Lesson.jpg

Hello Steemians and Dtubers,

So today's video for me is a very powerful lesson in life. I remember my grandmother telling you that I should forgive and forget. it was something that I was told from a very young age. But as I grew up, it seemed like the thing that I had chosen to forget, You know those valuable lessons that I have learned seem to pop up in situations again and again in my life. So I decided at a very young age that I would always forgive the person the situation was involved with and myself so I can clear my conscience and my spirit of any wrongdoing.

You see, I learned that everything that I learned in life was a very valuable lesson for the way that I would live for the rest of my life. All of those situations that were bad or failures became valuable lessons for me in the future. because I had experienced them and remembered them I learned that the failure that I once had was only temporary and the lesson I have learned help me succeed the next time around. This is why I say to forgive but never forget.

Remembering these lessons are very important triggers that go off inside of our mine whenever situations from those lessons reoccur. if it wasn't for remembering these lessons, I believe that I would end up experiencing them over and over again until finally I learned my lesson and remembered it. But I do want to say one thing for sure. remembering is good but dwelling on the bad memories of the past is very very bad. If you dwell on something bad for too long it can put you into a very depressive State of Mind. This is when depression will set in and misery will become your company. the bad thing about this is that you begin to treat other people the way that you feel. which is very bad.

You will also begin to have ear irrational thoughts that will make no sense such as “Nobody Wants Me” “ Nobody Loves Me” or “Nobody wants me around”. Now, of course, none of this is true. But if you continue to feel bad and dwell in the bad past and if you continue to treat people the way that you feel. These thoughts of nobody wanting you, needing you or loving you will seem like they come to reality because of the way that you are treating others around you. But only one of them will carry some truth. The one that says “Nobody wants me around”. The reason for is because people really don't like to be treated bad and if you treat them that way they will try to avoid you to keep you from treating them bad in order for them to have a happy day.

So the lesson for today is:

Forgive but Never Forget - Forgiveness is a Given
Remembering is a Valuable Necessary Lesson
Failure Breeds Strength - Perseverance - Determination - and Success

Peace and Godspeed everyone. May all your days be happy and all of your Journey's End in success. Remember to love yourself because you deserve it. You are a miracle of life. And you're going to prosper in anything, prosper in peace, happiness, and love always first.

I always give a big thank you to all the wonderful people in my life like my beautiful fiance Vanja go always surrounds me with all of her love and inspires me to be a better person for her and all of our family every day. To my wonderful children, David and Angeles go give me all of their love every day and I give it right back to them. and to all my amazing family in Norway, Thailand (@stewsak), Mexico, and the United States for always giving me all of their love and support and for inspiring me to be successful for all of us every single day. I love all of you with all of my heart.

To all of you #steemians and #dtubers. Thank you for all the amazing comments that always humble me and keep me inspired and motivated to continue to spread peace, happiness, and love in the world and in hopes to help somebody else have a wonderfully happy day. I love you all.

To all of the amazing Discord Channel Community of @onelovedtube, @helpie, @dtube, @msp-waves and @adsactly. Thank you for the wonderful friendship and all of the amazing information that you give to me every day and help me to be more successful and to always be welcome from all over the world. I love you all.

And to @dtube and @steemit. Thank you for having this amazing dream to build these wonderful Global platforms and amazing tools and share them with us for all of us to be inspired and go out into the world and create our own success. I love you all.

We'll talk again soon everyone. Have a blessed day. Love, @jeronimorubio

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