Welcoming @only1al to Hive

I’m super pleased to introduce my pal Aaron @only1al to Hive!

This is the chap..see his intro post here


He’s a gamer, especially live streaming his gameplay on Twitch and adding that gameplay content to his YouTube channel.
I watched one recently and it was entertaining and bloody in equal measure. Hatchets and rusty-hook action. Brutal. 😂
His Pokémon and Minecraft knowledge is strong as well as his Nerf gun collection (and aim)


Aaron is the second friend I’ve recently managed to convince to get involved in Hive. Woohoo!
(Yeah, ok, two people in the last 12 months is not a great track record, but I’m trying 🤷‍♂️)
He didn’t need much nudging to join Hive though.
He’s smart.
I’ve known him a couple of years since being my neighbour. I’ve borrowed many a thing from him and his house mate until we moved house a few months ago.


He signed up through the @ecency app and all was a fairly smooth sign up process, except for some authentication email issue delays from @ecency. But great service and I’d recommend signing friends up through it.

He enjoys a drink and is usually found over at @letothehobbit house 🙌🏻

Attention gamers

I would like to invite fellow gamers to suggest communities for him to get involved with. Any ideas guys?
(I’m looking at these chaps @daltono @pusen @mazergaming @nicolcron @knowhow92 @emsonic - good communities to post in and tips for Hiving?)

That’s about it - I hope this helps @only1al!!

Cheers for reading everyone, and if you choose to help support my pals as they find their feet here on Hive, I would be very grateful as will they 😌

Be excellent to each other.

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