The Olympic Games

Hi everyone!
The origin of the Olympic Games is not exactly known.In the ancient world the Olympich were held in Greece every 4 years for more tham 1,000 years.The first celebration of the anciet gemes was in 776 Bc.The first modern Olympic Games were held in 1896 under the patronage of the king of Greece in a new marble stadium built in Athens for the purpose.
The opening ceremonies of the games are staged in the principal stadiums.These ceremonies are very colourful.They are conducted in an atmosphere of merriment and jubilation.The motto of the Olympics is universal frendship.The competitors enter into the contests not to win but to participate.participation is looked upon as more important than victory.All ideas of national rivalries and jealousies are forgotten.Considerations of politics,race,religion wealth and power are of on importance here.
Among the most interesting events in the Olympic Games are 100 metre,200 mitar and 400 meter race both in the field tracks and in the swimming pools,diving,cycling,gymnastics,high jump and pole vault.In all these items men compete with men,and women compete with women.The end of the onympic Marathon is also a wonderful and exciting moment.International Olympik Committee awards various medals,cups and diplomas to the winners in the different events.There are usually three medals in achieve great honour and glory not only for themselves but also for their countries.
The ami of the Olympic Games is to bring about frindship, understanding,peacs and harmony in human relationship allover the is hoped that the Olympic Games will continue to foster frindly reations between the different countries and nations of the world.
thanks everyone!

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