The Law v. Faith

Galatians 3:21
"Is the law, therefore, opposed to the promises of God? Absolutely not! For if a law had been given that could impart life, then righteousness would certainly have come by the law."

The Law had no power to deliver. The structures, like following a formula without heart, stand as evidence. A town without people is a graveyard. Words without action are dead.


Faith is a doer, for a person with faith that is alive will do it. 'Knowing the path is not the same as walking the path.' While beautiful offerings were made, it was not enough... the better foundation was with the meek, the weak in power yet strong in love for the fulfillment of justice and mercy.

The beauty of the old world breathes of virtuousness of character, but were it true it would not have been handed over into the hands of enemy armies. What civilization abandons grand cities built in grandeur, defenses encompassing the entire earth, a singular, unified power? It is simple: they do not, they remain. A strong people do not simply vanish. Yet this mysterious evidence is strewn in every small and large US city and the nations of the world.


The strong were given over by providence. Their vast cities desolate, an astonishment to those that lay claim to these super structures - from London to Chicago's glory and grandeur.


In our world, you would be hard pressed to say "There was an empire that embraced Christ and the saints, building up sanctuaries with sweet odors in them to God. This empire spanned the entire world and was one."



Our world wouldn't permit a Christian to keep his job and pray before a meal, or let them read scripture on a mega phone on a public sidewalk without molestation. So what sort of world would it be, that in appearance lifted up holy images - yet kept none of the meaning of the pilgrim messages?

Regarding the above image, it is from Moscow. I was informed by a worker in the Youtube comments of a video that it is indeed a rebuild of sorts, and a much older Old World star fort style palace was in its place. TNT was used to demolish the original work which did not fall and numerous TNT attempts were required to tear down the hardiness of the materials used. There were walls.

The tradition of builders and not doers was the imitation of those traces in time, while the light that would have ensured their longevity was abandoned, rejected. It is no frightening thing to wear a cross, but the sword is frightening to all men. Therefore, It is an act of courage to believe in truth and walk in it.


"And if ye will not be reformed by me by these things, but will walk contrary unto me;"


"And I will make your cities waste, and bring your sanctuaries unto desolation, and I will not smell the savour of your sweet odours.

"And I will bring the land into desolation: and your enemies which dwell therein shall be astonished at it."



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