Old Skool ... ♡

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Old skool is again becoming cool!!!

Theese days there are lots of 'professional' videos out there, people on platforms such as youtube with all the fancie editing and effects. At first this was cool, can still be sometime BUT ...

If I'm looking for someone serious to follow for news, vlogs and other stuff. All the fancie stuff becomes O.T.T and gives me a head ache. Sorry but it makes you look cheezey and I cant take you seriously lol.

It great to see more and more people with simple vids that get streight to the point and have something new to say. I loved the 2000s when all this was new and fresh, simple but fun.

All this high tech photo shop makes my head spin to, whats real anymore lol? I liked it better when you knew a photo was a photo and cartoons were made up, not made up fake photos.

Big respect for all that is Old Skool :D

Miss Threedom ♡

Be Yourself, Be Unique & Be Kind! ♡

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