Do you remember your first step? Or the first crackle? Or the first night when you came into the world and with you, your mother was up whole night? Surely no, you remember nothing! But ask these things to your parents, they won’t only answer these but they will also add up other precious memories which made your childhood amazing.

Nowadays this is a common practice that children often send their parents to old age homes when they get settled in their lives. Here we are writing against this practice and we assure you if you are the one who is thinking to do so then after reading this you will think again and will come up with the conclusion that this action is absolutely wrong.

People give many reasons to throw out the parents from their lives, such as they claim their wives are unable to adjust with them, they get angry frequently, they disturb them by not letting them sleep at night or they are too busy they cannot pay attention towards their parents. Just think a once, is any one of these reasons countable? Straight away a no from my end!

Parents are the most precious blessings of the lord, they are key to the heaven. Imagine, if they had presented any one of the above reasons and would have thrown you out of their life, could you be the same person which you are today? No, you would have been a spoiled kid, with the darkest future. 

Thank them, love them that they blessed you with a beautiful childhood, they care for you, they loved you selflessly. Remember, parents, are here to be loved and not to be taken-for-granted, understand their value before you lose them. 


Allah has announced clearly that the one who is not obedient to his parents won’t taste death until he won’t suffer in this world.

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