Oil And Electricity - The Transition And Its Effects


Many countries are very dependent on oil exploration and sales.
Countries like Saudi Arabia, Venezuela and Nigeria run on a mostly oil-funded budget.


The use of gas as a source of energy has many disadvantages. Global worming, contamination of the environment, land destruction, adverse effects on the local wildlife, fire oubreaks and the rare but devastating oil spill in major waters.


Many efforts have been made to look for alternative source of power. The most promising are the hydro-cell and solar energy.
We have companies like Tesla working on newer battery models to retain more power and provide more efficiency with green energy. Hydro-cell technology still seems to be in its early stages.


My major concern is how the change to green energy will affect third world countries which will inevitably become the dumping ground for oil gas-engine cars when the transition to electric cars takes place in the advanced regions.

We've seen the case of extreme smog in China with people having to buy oxygen! so I can only imagine how African countries will fare with so much particulate matter in the air.

What are your thoughts on the matter?

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