How to make passive income with OGads, CPA Offers, Content Lockers and more!

OGads Method
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A step by step guide for beginners.

In this guide I will show you how I make about $100 a day with OGads.

I started this for some extra money and it took a couple of months to get to this point, but it was worth it to be able to get out of my 9-5.

When I first signed up to OGads I was a proper newbie, compared to what some people make I still am. I could work my way around a computer and the Internet but had no idea how to make money doing it.

I was lucky that a friend of mine introduced me to it or I would probably still be searching “how to make money online” now.

How it works

Company's and and app developers want people to download their apps, fill out surveys, enter competitions and just generally interact with them.

You can link people to websites, game cheats, videos or blogs, like the one you came through to view this page, that was a content locker and by downloading a free app you unlocked this page and I made a few cents, Not only is it completely free you will also get support from OGads.

What we do is send traffic to those company's and in return we get paid, advertising is big business and more and more company's are using online methods to promote their products.


Step 1

First of all you need to sign up to Ogads, the great thing about OGads it's free to sign up and use so there is no risk or strings attached.

OGads signup link:

OGads signup link:

If you sign up through my referral I will give you extra help via email or via steemit comments!

*Also signing up as a referral means a better chance of being approved.

It usually takes a 24 hours to get approval.

Step 2

Now your all signed up and ready to go, if you haven’t all ready, take a look around the ogads site and familiarize yourself with the menu and tools.

I actually found it all a little confusing at first but you’ll be surprised how quickly it all becomes second nature.

Step 3

So to make money you will a need Landing Page. In the menu near the top.

OGads signup link:

Click on landing page request. Scroll down till you see a list, from that list you can choose your first landing page.

Once the landing page is approved you will receive an email letting you know and the link to it.

The brilliant thing about OGads is that they will create the locker that goes with your landing page, I have checked out a few other networks and I couldn’t find any others that do this, though I’m not saying there are not any out there.

If you go to your incentive tools on the menu and then to lockers, you will see a locker has been automatically generated for you!

Step 4

Now you will need a website which is where we post the link to the landing page, don’t worry that's not as complicated as it may sound, you can get them free from lots of different sites like this one on WordPress, you don’t need to host or know how to code, it’s really easy.

Once you are signed up create a new site which goes with the landing page you chose.

So if you chose one to do with increasing followers, add a few pics and write a few sentences about why it’s so good. The better the site looks, the better the conversions.

Step 5

Next you want to add the link to the landing page for people to click on.

You get this by going to your locker on OGads, going to options and copying the link or from the landing page approval email you received.

​Step 6

Promoting your site is what’s it’s all about, getting people to visit your site and click through to your landing page. The more traffic you get, the more money you make.

Traffics sources come in many forms, I mainly use social media, specifically Facebook and Instagram but as you learn more about CPA (cost per action) and affiliate marketing you can decide what works best for you and the way you promote.

So as an example we are going to create an Instagram account that matches our landing page and website, Although you can have a few Instagram accounts running from one phone you can only set one up per email address.

So upload some pics to the Instagram account, tell people to visit your site for more info, add your site link in the Instagram profile options.

If you get stuck you can have a look at the way other people set their ones up to get some ideas, though you should try and make yours look as original as you can, being unique goes a long way.

Start following some people. You’ll want to follow people that will have an interest in what your promoting so if it’s an iPhone promotion follow people that also follow the iPhone Instagram account.

The idea with following people is to get them to follow you back and click on your link to visit your site.

You can also like people’s pics and comment on any that you think are relevant to what you are promoting, please remember to do all of this naturally, don’t go adding crazy amounts of people every day, it will get your account banned and that is really annoying as you’ll have to make a new one.

Saying that don’t be too disappointed if you do get accounts banned at first, it’s about trial and err0r, learning what works and more importantly what you can get away with.

Step 7

Getting everything set up the first time was the hardest part for me, but now I can do the whole process in about 20mins and you will find very quickly that you can too.

Once you have everything thing in place you will start earning a few of dollars a day, which will increase as your Instagram account gains followers and your website gets better known.
So now we want to scale up.

Scaling up is exactly what we have just done. Choose another landing page, rinse and repeat the method.

For more advanced scaling later on you will want to start thinking about using more than just social media to promote, hosting your own sites, creating your own lading pages and coming up with ideas that are not already being used.

Step 8

So you have lots of sites now, lots of social media followers and some extra cash that cost you nothing but time. Keep adding sites and pages, keep looking after your accounts and keep making money :)

Click Here To Get Started!
Just a couple of notes.

When I got to about 10 Instagram accounts, I found my head starting to get a bit fuzzy and keeping up with the maintenance of everything was becoming a bit much.

Obviously I didn’t want to stop as the money was going up and up, so that’s when I bit the bullet and decided to automate everything, by this point I had made few hundred dollars and had not spent anything so I was happy to invest some money to get some of my time back. I bought followliker which runs your social media accounts for you.

Now this may not be for everyone but I can’t say enough good things about this program, like i said you’ll work out whats best for you.

I will be doing a followliker guide in the future which I will link to from this page. But one thing at a time.

Send me an email with any questions that come up or feel free to comment below and i will get back to you asap.

Please include your affiliate number or name so I know if you have signed up through my link.

In this section I will respond to the most frequently asked questions I get.

Email replies:

I do reply to every email asking for help that comes in, but there are a lot to go through so don't worry I will get back to you.

Referrals will get priority.

Always check the junk folder incase you have an over sensitive email provider.

Getting approved:

The best way to get approved is to be honest.
I didn't have anything in place when I started so I said that on my application.

I told them I planned to use social media to promote and that I would create websites based on what I was promoting.

Be honest, I think the reason a lot of people didn't get approved is trying to make themselves sound like they had more experience than they did.

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