ODROID Magazine August Issue Available Now!

Hardkernel is proud to announce that the ODROID Magazine for August 2017 is now available!

Artificial intelligence is one of the most exciting computing frontiers of the 21st century. Technology such as Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Microsoft Cortana are compact, affordable and useful personal assistants, but they all use closed-source proprietary code, which raises privacy concerns. A solution for ensuring that the user has complete control over the information that is shared and stored is to use open-source applications such as Mycroft and Prolog. Compiling the code yourself and installing it on an ODROID is an easy, inexpensive way to build a personal assistant to fit your exact needs while also protecting your privacy.

Another emerging application of advanced technology is cryptocurrency mining. Hardkernel engineers built a ODROID-XU4 demonstration cluster to show the stability of Kernel 4.9 and calculate the financial viability of long-term mining. Tobias discusses whether he is a Nintendo fanboy, Jörg shows us how to control the display backlight in Android, Miltiadis helps us migrate from Ubuntu MATE to Lubuntu, Dennis demonstrates a project using the Adafruit OLED display, and we present a guide to getting started with Android on the ODROID-C2.

6 Mycroft: Open Source Artificial Intelligence
12 Artificial Intelligence Programming: Using Prolog With An ODROID-XU4
14 ODROID-VU: Backlight Brightness Control On Android
20 Linux Gaming: Fanboy Part 1 - Am I A Nintendo Fanboy?
22 Migrating From Ubuntu Mate To Lubuntu: A Step-By-Step Guide For Switching To An LXDE Desktop
24 Using The Adafruit 128x64 OLED Bonnet On An ODROID-C1+: Programming With Luma.OLED And WiringPi
26 ODROID-XU4 LED Control
27 Cryptocurrency Mining: A Viability Project And Stability Test For Kernel Version 4.9 On An ODROID-XU4 Supercomputing Cluster
28 Getting Started With Android On The ODROID-C2: A Beginner’s Guide
30 Meet An ODROIDian: Martí Bonamusa, Real-Time 3D Data Analytics Entrepreneur


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