A Year in the Life of an Obsidian and now an ODIN Holder.

Interested in Obsidian?

Prior to 2018 I had held Bitcoin, Litecoin and Doge in standalone wallets doing my best to ignore them and let them hopefully grow.
A good friend of mine messaged me and a few other close friends about this new coin called Obsidian (ODN). He has done very well with Stocks, Investments and businesses across the years but not at this stage touched Cryptocurrencies.
The ODN blockchain planned to create a decentralised encrypted messenger; I was interested.

He bought me some at the point of what was called an ICO (Initial Coin Offering) then when trading first started on a trade site called HITBTC I bought some more. This then lead me to become obsessed with daytrading, an easy pastime in a Bull market.

I’m a Believer!

I believe Cryptocurrencies are the future and hope they end our slavery to the Banks.
I believed in ODN and still believe the Dark Horse has legs.
Whilst optimistic I tried not to become blinkered and so decided to swing-trade all the announcements of announcements, plus create alerts to be able to take advantage of Pump and Dumps; an immoral but fascinating occurrence on tradesites.

I have taken money out along the way whilst keeping to the main objective to gain a larger ODN hold. Also putting in gains from “Shtcoin” daytrades.
I made gains on various announcements but mostly wanted good news. A bit like when you bet against your own team.

FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt)

I want ODN to succeed, I regularly share news on socials, catching up on Telegram conversations even helping other community members where possible has become part of my daily routine.
There have been a few Whisky fueled rants on Telegram pleading for general news updates not alleged Big Announcements.
I have Dm’d Admins with ideas on how to deflect the waves of fud (fear, uncertainty and doubt) that where frequent across the first quarter of the year. Most ideas useless but I tried and they kindly responded.

ODN around Spring, probably earlier had internal issues CEO verses Developer, Pete V Claus. This period lasted what seemed like years in Crypto-Time. What camp are you in? Claus for President?
“Fudding” to manipulate price became standard, meaning price even allowing for the 2018 Bear Market, was falling and falling faster than most coins.
I have respect for the people who bought, believed and have held watching their value diminish. “You only lose when you sell”...

The Solution

ODN holders to receive a new coin called ODIN the CEO and Developer to go there separate ways. Great News, best solution. But...

Real-World Costs

Its April / May, ODIN has been announced and ODN is valued around 0.000070 BTC. Real-world costs have hit me from all directions, Boiler, Electric Circuit, Vets Bills, Tenants moving out of rental property all after having treated ourselves to a dream holiday.
I have a Stag Do to organise for the same friend who got me into all of this. And I find myself in a position that I need to sell most of my hold to pay my costs and further costs that I would get back from the other Stags later.
The rule of Crypto as with most things is you should only invest what you can afford to lose, so I had to take the reverse tact with my accrued hold.

I sold most of my Bitcoin, Litecoin and ODN leaving just my original purchase staking in a friends wallet. It’s a time when ODIN could have potentially been forked at any moment. What a waste, it felt horrible.


Fast forward to July, I have been able to buy back in and got lucky that the price is lower. My hold is greater than ever and ODIN is on the horizon, technical information on the ODIN Blockchain has been teased and looks good, team communication and community engagement is better than ever with polls and competitions. I’m so happy I’m finding myself entering Meme competitions and joining in with World Cup ODN Sweepstakes, even winning!
The frustration of the phrase SoonTM which seemed to mean in a few months maybe? Now made me happy.

Knowledge is Madness

As prices drop I am cost averaging each payday and Dming community members that seem to be talking sense on Telegram, always trying to get incite and gain knowledge on peoples position and thoughts. I asked one person what he thought the price could be in the future? He just wanted ODIN to get to be a top 100 coin.

My friends are all pretty much out of Crypto at this point and are debating my madness pointing towards Exit Scams, Dumping, Missed Deadlines, on paper I see their point.

Why do I Believe?

Across this half a year period a main factors for keeping the belief was the Telegram Admin known as Pelsjager. Able to explain the facts keeping opinions balanced and address issues. If he had not been an Admin I am certain that ODN would have died and am glad that his work has been rewarded in an official capacity.

I have my concerns, what has happened with the original ICO funds? If there is any left can these even legally be spent on the new coin ODIN? Is the Viking ODIN theme a bit too much? Why call it ODIN when there is already a cryptocurrency token with the same name? What implications does this have?

Claim Portal Arrives

Its September a Webpage Claim Portal has been created giving a unique solution to enable you to claim your gift of ODIN at a generous ratio whilst implementing measures to prevent old Developers claiming. I still have concerns by the continued dumping and price manipulation at a time that you would expect only buying. The deadline has been set and I am cost averaging along each stage.

Thursday 13th September

One week left before the Claim Portal Closes but the Dumping is driving the price down to stupidly low prices each day. The correct decision to close early was made and a poll created that community members voted on and agreed.

Detailed Blow by Blow account of 13th September

10pm Thursday 13th September 2018

Its Thursday 13th September I have been out for a meal with my wife and friends, it's about 10pm UK time, I get home check Telegram and Twitter and see a decision to close the Claim Portal a week earlier has been put forward in a Poll? The majority of my ODN hold is on trade site, I could have put my claim in weeks before I had got greedy and might lose the ODIN gift claim? Stupid Stupid Stupid!
I message an Admin known as The Mitigator who I see is online, I explain my situation whilst messaging the few friends that still hold ODN .
The Mitigator is extremely helpful pointing me in the right direction for the best wallet and giving reassurance, “Don’t worry Craig there is still time you can register on Claim Portal without your wallet being fully synced, just be sure to lock in tonight buddy”.
I live in the country and the internet speed at this point was really slow. The wallet is not syncing fast enough.
My trade account is slowly receiving what now seems like small amounts from the few friends still holding who bought in at ICO.
I’m debating with anyone who will listen that the time on the proposed tweet indicates end of day on the Friday not the start “23:59 GMT”. I’m not getting any responses I seem to have just 1 hour left and my wallet is only 83% synced. The Voice “Don’t worry you can still send your coins across and track if they have been received on the blockchain without your wallet showing as synced”

Friday 14th September 00:40 UK (20 minutes until deadline)

An admin named Alpipor3 on Telegram is giving unsubtle updates on how long until the claim portal will be closed “10 Minutes”..... “5 Minutes” I message an admin who is live on Discord named Pelsjager explaining my situation he gives the best contact to message and advices being able to prove what coins have been purchased. The wallet is synced with 30 seconds left but the coins have not cleared. It's too late.

Friday 14th September 3:20 UK

I have kept the Claim Portal page open even though it's now officially closed, the coins still have not arrived in my wallet I’m chatting with a russian community member in a similar situation he decides to logout of HITBTC and log back in. He says this works. I do the same it works.I manage to Lock the claim. I’m in? Time for bed.

The ODIN team did allow for late claims across the next few weeks listening to community members pleas, I did email the supplied address to ensure I had managed to claim. Done

Learning how to Master Nodes…

I have my ODIN coins in my Windows Hot Wallet, for the blockchain to be more powerful and enable more future potential it utilises Masternodes. A Masternode takes 25 thousand Odin coins locked in to run. With advice from Telegram Admin; The Voice on the best methord to use, plus following a guide from a user titled Mr Blister I set up my Masternodes, I am buying a few more ODINS every now and then on what is known as Hypo’s Flea Market on Discord all is going well, my only concern is that I need a better username.

Windows Wallet Crashes

Its October and my Hot Wallet on my Windows Tablet crashes. I’m definitely a NooB (New, inexperienced person) so I fear that all coins are gone?

Telegram Admin “The Voice” kindly and patiently helps me trial and error and indeed find a solution. Part of this involves deleting parts of the wallet files. Very scary. But it works.

I pass on the helpful information to further community members where needed.

Mass Adoption? Usage?

At this stage the in my opinion Odin and most cryptocurrencies are not ready for mass adoption. There are technical glitches that can be scary.
When you make a purchase off someone you don’t know, there is a fear of not having a trusted 3rd party to assist in the way that a bank or paypal does. (even Hypos flea market had 3rd party handlers).
The price volatility is a big fear for shops. They could have a great days sales but the cryptocurrency that they sold in has dropped 15% in the same time. Also for the consumer the fear of paying with a cryptocurrency that could be worth twice as much in a few months?
Why does there need to be so many cryptocurrencies?

ODIN Blockchain in making the decision to focus on Mobile device usage makes sense to me, Phones and Tablets are the most intuitive devices available. Rather than typing in a long crypto address a simple QR code can be scanned. Identity protection in the form of fingerprint locking face recognition and Authenticator apps can all assist.

So does this mean the Stakers and Masternode holders are the foundations of the Blockchain that will enable end users to easily send messages on a secure blockchain? Or make easy payments from their phone. Perhaps mass adoption is close?

When Llama?

Whilst most of the the last year has been awful for progression, trust and moral, The Discord and Telegram Community Members left all seem to be quality. The current momentum of ODIN and continued work on ODN is everything needed at the moment. No one screams “When Lambo” anymore we are all in it for the long-term in some capacity; maybe just skim some future gains on a Llama?
The only real question left is when Binance?

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