Blueprints Possessed by Israel Year Before Attack - MORE Evidence Oct. 7th Was an Intelligence Stand-Down / Inside Job / False Flag (

... NYT: Israel had detailed blueprints of the Hamas Attack A YEAR BEFORE, Now Israeli Officials Claim Footage From Border Wall Has Mysteriously Been Deleted...

As the events of October 7th look increasingly suspicious for Israeli leadership, with it becoming more and more clear that Israel knew about the forthcoming attack and ignored it, Israeli officials are now coming on record and saying that video tapes of the border wall sought in an investigation have mysterious disappeared =, or at least they have been denied authorization and unable to view the evidence.


On November 14th I published my first piece of this now 3 part series: "Oct. 7 is to Radical Zionists As Covid was to Davos Elite: Convenient to a Pre-Existing Depopulation Agenda (


My 2nd article, “More Israeli Military Personnel, Witnesses Speak Out, Substantiating Oct. 7 "Conspiracy Theories" That IDF Killed Israeli Civilians and Israeli Leadership Ignored Intelligence Prior to Attack (”, was written in the wake of additional Israeli military personnel and October 7th witnesses speaking out...The big one being Col. Nof Erez, a veteran pilot who went on record to say that the Israeli military likely massacred its own civilians, referencing a policy of Israel, notoriously known as the Hannibal Directive

...Two days following the publication of my second article. The New York Times published the headline: “Israel Knew Hamas’s Attack Plan More Than a Year Ago (”, subtitled, “A blueprint reviewed by The Times laid out the attack in detail. Israeli officials dismissed it as aspirational and ignored specific warnings.”

Also published on Nov. 30th, “Israeli drone pilots Targeted Own Settlements, Bases, Civilians on 7 October: Report (”

On the 27th, Netanyahu was reported to tell a Likud legislators, “I am the only one who will prevent a Palestinian state in Gaza and [the West Bank] after the war, (”. I feel the need to reemphasize the thesis built in my first article: That Israel funded Hamas for years to explicitly prevent a Palestinian state and that the failure of intelligence is suspicious with the clear motive of an intentional stand-down to provide Israel a pretext for driving the Palestinians out and expanding illegal settlements to take over all of Palestine(and get closer to Greater Israel Project). My last article, published at the end of the truce, concluded by painting the likely future for Gaza as the truce ends...

On Dec. 1st Israel published a map (, which did not leave many areas for the 2 million Gazans to go to not be victims of war crimes.....

...Today, Lindsey Graham was the subject ( of discussion after he was asked about massive Palestinian civilian casualties during a CNN appearance.

"Did the American people worry about how many people died when we destroyed Tokyo and Berlin?"

When I found out he recently just said he is “only one who will prevent a Palestinian state in Gaza “, I joked, ( “Whats he going to do? Keep begging the Qataris to keep funneling money to Hamas?”

...Netanyahu’s goal isn’t to stop Hamas, it is to prevent Palestinian statehood, that is why he funded Hamas. And the reason for preventing Palestinian statehood is to fulfill the greater Israel project

Why did Israel leadership ignore solid intelligence of a Hamas attack? Was Oct. 7th allowed to happen? How many Israelis were killed by the IDF rather than Hamas on October 7th? What is the boarder wall footage hiding? Why is there a struggle within Israeli defense forces over access to evidence? When it is made accessible to Israeli officers investigating the attack, what will be found?

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