The Ocean Cleanup releases its first product: sunglasses made from plastic recovered from the Ocean

I've been keeping an eye on The Ocean Cleanup
since its inception in 2013.

For folks unaware, it's a non-profit organisation in the Netherlands with the goal of removing plastic pollution from the ocean, and recycling that plastic into products to sell.

The proceeds from these sales are then used to continue the clean up operations.

And the process is repeated, until the ocean is no longer a horrible, embarrassing, toxic soup of human social detritus.

That's the plan anyway.

The group has also moved into preventing plastic pollution from ever reaching the oceans with their Interceptor vessels.

At time of writing, two such Interceptors are operating. One in the Cenkareng Drain in Indonesia and the other in the Klang River in Malaysia.

It's exciting to see genuine progress being made on this enormous issue that effects everyone here on little ol' Earth.

Quite recently, after releasing a teaser video and building up some hype for the announcement, The Ocean Cleanup have revealed their first product.

The Ocean Cleanup's first product - sunglasses

Turns out they're sunglasses.

Or are they 'seaglasses'?



Honestly, I couldn't care less that they're designed in California by Yves Béhar (who?) or that they're made in Italy by Safilo (never heard of them) but the fact that they now have something tangible to offer is a big deal, in my view.

I support this group and I want to see them succeed because of what that success would mean.

Having never spent more than $40 AUD on sunglasses in my life, $200 USD is ridiculously overpriced.

Seriously, that's a lot of money.


This organisation has been working toward it's goal for seven years, and in doing so is actively trying to make the world a better place.

Doing something to undo the mess we've made upon the only home we'll ever have.

Buying sunglasses made from recycled ocean plastic pollution

They need to sell a lot more to keep going.

In order to make some sort of real difference to this global problem from the power of my tiny, individual point of view, I bought a pair.

Can you, too?

The Ocean Cleanup


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