My HiveSys @lynds has started great tradition of chalk drawing and writing, and I wanna add my page to this "chalkbook".

First of all, I must admit it really works!
When I see something positive written in the street, I smile and take it as a Universe sign, or hello from Lynds at least:)

Though, such positive chalk writing isn't popular now. In my childhood children use chalks while walking very often. Now - no. So it's like a flashback about a small Talia;)

Here is my chalk-art;)

Love you, guys!<3

The world loves you


It will be ok! For sure!

And you know a real miracle happen!
The next day after my chalk writing it was a heavy rain. I was sure all my words had disappeared. And yes - all of them were washed out
BUT not that one!!

It will be ok! For sure!

Can you believe it?? I was shocked! It was blurred but it still could be read (I didn't have a phone to make a photo, but you can trust me, guys)
The same road, the same a piece of chalk... The Universe always send us signs!

After chalkwriting I had great mood! It was like psychotherapy for me. And the next miracle happen with me!

There are a lot of nut trees near my house, but all nuts were gathered by other people already. I was going home...

And what did I see? A lot of nuts just near the entry to my house, lying on the ground and waiting for me! :)
all the trees around have lost their nuts long ago, and neighbours left none of them on the ground. So these nuts seemed to thank me for my piece of kindness on the road:)

Me and my son gathered these Universe gifts and went home happy and satisfied;)
Thank you, My world!


Magic is nearby, we must just start to notice it...

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