My Introduction

Hello dear hive community! It’s nice to be amongst this platform finally! Sorry it took this long to make my introduction post, I have been really busy with school activities. I just ended my semester exams and was away from social media to allow me concentrate. Thats just how i do things.

Well, my name is Ozovehe Loveth from Kogi state in North central Nigeria. I’m a student in university of Ilorin located in Kwara State still in Nigeria.

One could say that I have spent all of my 19 years of existense living in Nigeria and I am a citizen of the country even though I wish my scholarship application click through so that I can experience life in another country to learn, grow and impact.

The fact that I Can do anything I put my mind to is endearing about me. I take fancy in learning new things in any field of life although I major in Science; especially Veterinary Medicine for now. I'm a fun girl and always excited to learn new things. Since in now a member of an amazing crypto community, I shall be saving what extra pennies I have to buy some hives. Sure, I love to own some crypto currencies and hive would be my first!

Writing and other artistic content creation like drawing and poem composition I love so much. Little wonder i had a wow moment when @ozohu and @readthisplease Introduced me to this platform and I thought, I might as well show my style, the Ozal style! I will be bringing different content varying from my take on trendy topics to casual situations with diversity as my style. I would also be sharing things about my educational journey as a Veterinary Medicine student.

Are you ready? because you are going to have great time reading post from me! And I hope you support my content and find in them things of importance as that is what I’ll be bringing out. Thank you for reading through till now and thank you for the future support.

Meanwhile, this last picture i took when i was getting tired of waiting. I was to go to campus briefly for something that came up and I could get a cab on time. Trecking was a no option because it a whole nother journey from my hostel to campus and the sun was out in all of its glory that afternoon powering down its heat like it was nobody's business. This is most times the case. Our sun here in Nigeria is very hot and im not complaining at all!

I'll be putting a pause to this post here and would pick it up in my next post. So see you soon and thanks for reading!

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