OCD International Daily: Issue #73


Welcome to the 73th issue of @OCD international Daily!

Issue #73 highlights content from nine(9) fantastic Steemit Content Creators in nine different languages! The OCD international team on its journey continues to search tirelessly throughout the multiple languages on Steemit for undervalued gems as provided by relatively new users.

Today our curators, under our steadfast leader, @acidyo, have delivered nine incredible pieces of original content to share with you! These works as provided by newer Steemit users don’t have the audience which their quality content deserves. @OCD strives to provide that audience and intends to showcase Steemit users who put in tremendous effort to create flourishing content.

The nomination process

A curator will FIND a piece of work in his language (typically from newer users), discuss with the other curators of that language and they will choose the one that will go into the compilation.

We encourage you to visit these blogs and to show these great Steemians your support and encouragement.

If you enjoyed their work give them a Follow or maybe even say Hello!



Team kurator Indonesia @mariska.lubis dan @macchiata kali ini memilih sebuah postingan dari @dhiki yang bercerita tentang opini penulis mengikuti sebuah komunitas yang memiliki nama unik " Pendaki Bloon". Eits, jangan terkecoh, karena bloon disini tidak bermakna negatif, Mau tahu lebih lanjut apa arti dari Bloon dari komunitas ini? Jangan lupa kunjungi tulisan beliau.

The OCD Indonesian Language Curator @mariska.lubis and @macchiata, this time have chosen a unique post from @dhiki who shares story of joining a community with unique name : "Pendaki Bloon" which translates as " wacky climbers". Usually it has negative conotations but let's visit his post to know more.

Pendaki bloon....


El equipo de curación de OCD en español ( @anomadsoul y @elteamgordo) presenta el siguiente post de @orianadvha donde nos dice que fue lo bueno y lo malo de su visita a Panamá hace algunos ayeres.

The spanish curation team of OCD ( @anomadsoul & @elteamgordo ) shares a post from @orianadvha about her visit to Panama with basic information and the good and bad things of the city.

Lo mejor y lo peor de visitar Panamá - Experiencia de Viaje


@danielemosetti inizia la sua avventura su Steemit e ci parla della Gestione della diversità o Diversity Management nei contesti lavorativi. Un importantissimo e innovativo strumento capace di migliorare la qualità del lavoro e la performance aziendale. Benvenuto @danielemosetti ! Questo il post proposto per la selezione di oggi dal @ocd Team per la lingua italiana e curato da @sardrt .

(Accepet) @danielemosetti begins his adventure on Steemit and talks about Diversity Management or Diversity Management in work contexts. An extremely important and innovative tool able to improve the quality of work and company performance. Welcome @danielemosetti! This is the post proposed for today's selection by the @ocd Team for the Italian language and edited by @sardrt.

Diversity Management. Come sviluppare una cultura della diversità dentro e fuori l'azienda.


Heute begrüßen wir mal wieder ein neues deutsches Community Mitlied in unsrer Runde. Dieses Mal handelt es sich um @nomadlifestyle, die sich in ihrem Post der von @jeanpi1908 curatet wurde als Weltenbummlerin und Virtuelle Assistentin vorstellt, die anscheinend ein richtig spannendes Leben führt.

Today we welcome again a new German community member in our round. This time around, @nomadlifestyle, who in her post curated by @ jeanpi1908, introduced herself as a globetrotter and virtual assistant, apparently leading a really exciting life.

Hi, ich bin Fidi. Virtuelle Assistentin und Weltenbummlerin aus Deutschland



今日OCD中文區小隊 - @htliao@Travelgirl 想為大家介紹 @sweetieprincess. 她想為大家分享乘坐磁浮列車的經驗,並拍下了一些美麗的照片,千萬不要錯過她在蘇州的旅遊帖子。

Chinese OCD team @htliao and @Travelgirl would like to introduce @sweetieprincess. She shared with us her travel experience on the Maglev Train while travelling from Shanghai to Suzhou, and she also took a few awesome photos. Don’t miss out on her posts about her travel in Suzhou.

Joy of Travel #18 - My First Experience on the world fastest train 🚝 Maglev Train in Shanghai | 我人生第一次体验世界最快的火车 🚝 磁浮列车,上海


Polski team (czyli @fervi i @lukmarcus) nominuje @lamimummy. Praca recepcjonistki hotelowej wydaje się łatwa. Jak jednak wygląda hotel od tylnego wejścia? Czy to naprawdę tylko miłe witanie gości? O nie - a o wszystkim opowie autorka posta.

Polish team (so @fervi and @lukmarcus) nominate @lamimummy. The work of a hotel receptionist seems easy. But how does the hotel look from the other side? Is it really only a nice welcome to guests? Oh no - and the author will tell you everything.

Gdy recepcjonista zmienia się w bramkarza [Okiem recepcjonisty cz.2]


先週スティームを始めたばかりの@takoyakiloveさんをご紹介したいと思います。大阪在住のブロッガーで、今回の投稿では成人式と倒産した着物レンタル屋さん事件について英語と日本語で紹介しています。- Curated by 日本語OCDチーム @djynn & @fukako

The Japanese OCD team @djynn & @fukako would like to introduce a new Steem blogger @takoyakilove, who lives in Osaka and writes about Japanese history and traditions. In this post, she explains the Coming of Age Day ceremony in Japan and a recent fraud by a kimono rental company.

Japanese ceremonial event "SEIJIN SHIKI (adult ceremony)" and fraud to young women carried out there



@Roxane et @ixindamix présente un article qui mele habilement art martial et philosophie. Selon les propres paroles de sont auteur : La voie des arts martiaux est l'amour ! Une vision insolite et jusque la pratiquement peu abordé !

@Roxane and @ixindamix presents an article that skillfully combines martial art and philosophy. According to the author's own words: The way of martial arts is love! An unusual vision that has hardly been approached at all!

La voie des arts martiaux est l'amour ( FR )



Het Nederlandse OCD team @jackjohanneshemp en @poeticsnake willen U graag kennis laten maken met @organicgardener. Een Nederlands en Engels bloggende Steemer! In de intro post kunnen we lezen dat de meeste blogs over tuinieren zullen gaan en alles wat daar bij komt kijken! Deze post is geschreven in Nederlands en Engels.

The Dutch OCD team @jackjohanneshemp and @poeticsnake would like you all to meet @organicgardener. A Dutch and English blogging Steemer! In this introduction post, we can read about their plans to blog about gardening and everything that comes with it! This post is written in Dutch and English.

Hey Fellow Steemians! I'm Organic Gardener AKA MoestuinMomenten And I'm Into.. You Probably Guessed It By Now :-)

Thanks for stopping by as this concludes today’s OCD international Daily. We would like to congratulate the authors nominated as well as those featured.

Hopefully, you were able to take away something different, fresh, and new from the pieces as provided by the @ocd curators.

The OCD team would also like to thank those that strive to make a difference. As anyone can create a posting but only some can create/build value.

Be sure to check for tomorrow’s edition of OCD international Daily!
Keep up the good work creating original content

You never know when @ocd may be around :)

as prepared by @jeanpi1908

Know that your Resteem supports undervalued authors!

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Now you can get Resteemed by @ocd!
Use the 'ocd-resteem' tag on quality, original content for a chance to be selected.

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