East Yorkshire Adventures In Beverley

So, me and my girlfriend had decided to head out for the day, we contemplated a trip to the seaside, and as we were driving, I said "shall we go to Beverley instead?", my girlfriend quickly replied "Yes".
I had been to Beverley once before, but I had only seen the small part around the magnificent minster. This is a stunning building and believe it or not, free to get in, although I did make a small donation.

The town itself is lovely, some beautiful buildings, but also, a few modern monstrosaties, I would have loved to have seen the place before the old buildings had been ripped down. Although, it's still a nice place.


Equipped only with my iPhone for photos, I took a few shots, none that I am happy with as I really really hate the camera on the iPhone XR, I know it's not the top of the range or anything, but it feels like a step back from the camera on the iPhone 7 plus, which in my honest opinion, is a much better phone.

I thought only Hull had these telephone boxes, so I was surprised to see one out in the wild lol.

It was a cold day today, around 4 degrees, but the wind made it feel much cooler than it was, we had a lovely wonder around and then a quick break.

I don't know about places abroad, but council's in the UK seem to have an idea that these are good, they are the worst thing ever invented (apart from Covid that is lol). So, if you like soap splatterd on your wrist, freezing cold water then trickles out (yes, trickles) and a cold blower to try and dry your hands, (although you may as well run and wave them about in the air, as it would be more effective), then this is your answer, please stop putting these useless machines in the public toilets lol.


Anyhow, back to Beverley Minster, it was like walking around Hogwarts from the Harry Potter films, a massive building, with some absolutely spectacular architecture. I was in my element in there, just wishing I'd put the camera in the car, but it is an excuse to go back again.


The church organ is a magnificent piece of engineering, the pipework on it is beautiful, and kind of look a bit Christmas(ie) with the red and gold artwork on them. This place is Massive!

This shot is a vertical panorama shot, as I couldn't fit everything in just by using the phone in portrait mode, hence the distortion.

There is carved stonework everywhere, and I loved this little statue things (sorry, can't remember the proper name for them, but I know they aren't gargoyles).

This one is one of my favourites, there are loads of these, and everyone is different, there is some real craftsmenship in these, but sadly you don't see anything like it now days.

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Only kidding, this one is playing a musical instrument (some kind of Horn if I remember right).

If you are in the area, this is another place that I would highly recommend you visit, I bet it looks lovely when it's snowed. Quite a busy little town, but there is also a race course there, but I'm not really into horse racing, so not sure when or what races they do there.

Anyhow, I really hope you've enjoyed this post, and hopefully with post again soon, once I'm out and about.

Thanks again :-)

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