Sticky Half Thoughts

Have you ever had writer's block or found yourself in a mental haze?

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You find yourself, mulling around through fuzzy thoughts endlessly, yet nothing seems to come to mind.

This happens to me from time to time - and more often than I would like.

Sometimes, I'm just tired, not getting enough of those precious 'ZzZzZz' in the bag. I can remember every other letter in the alphabet and all animals other than sheep.

Other times, I'm mentally over-taxed from learning new things paired with my attempts at managing the tangible stresses of life.

I find myself, floating in some mental limbo fog, without a faint clue as to how I got there.

My head looks like a cluttered storage space as I hang from its ceiling - in between heaven, hell, and every dream in between, surveying the items as if they are intergalactic relics from planet 'Z52Hzt'.

At times like these, my head is so full of half-thoughts that it might as well be empty.

I'm in my head... a lot...

...I'm not sure if you could tell. ;P

I found myself caught in this fog, just moments ago at which point I realized - maybe 'realized' isn't the right word - I inquired of myself:

"Have you considered actually finishing - at LEAST one of these half-thoughts?"

It struck me, that this question was the answer.


I mean the answer to this question was the answer - not just to the question but to the other question.... You feel me?

All those thoughts bouncing around in my head are just electrical signals, pin-balling across the network of my neural pathways. In order to think in an organized fashion and make any forward progress, something must first be finished...

...and then there was an EPIPHANY.

It's all consensus protocol...

The consensus protocol of my brain's organic and flexible blockchain. Just like the nodes of a blockchain network must finish verifying a block before it can move to the next, my brain has to complete something before it can grab onto another task.

Otherwise, my thoughts are not in agreement with themselves, and therefore, the consensus is failed and the system is crashed.

How many times have I sat for hours, daydreaming, with a crashed human system in my head - wondering when the hell the sun would break through the gray clouds and let me out of the torturous limbo.

Yet the answer was there all along...

"Finish the thought..."

...but what thought exactly?

Fortunately, it doesn't really matter. The brain is a flexible thing. As long as you give it somewhere to start, you will find somewhere to finish and start again. If you never give it a place to finish, it can not start again.

You just gotta finish a thought, of any kind - maybe a few of them... kick start that system back up and running...

So long as the real cause is NOT actually sleep-deprivation (in which case, you need some sleep) and voila!

The evil chains of confusion are broken and your brain can get back on track producing more blocks and transactions across your neural pathway's nodes to process.

I hope this helps someone else to free their mind from the pains of mental fog.


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