Occult Symbolism, Understanding Our Universe, and You

In light of Truth, let us begin our quest for knowledge, so that we may better ourselves.


This is first in a series on Occult Symbolism, Understanding Our Universe, and You. Whereby you will gain a deeper understanding of the world and the actions taken by its actors and their ideals, by nature of discerning what is within you and how they relate and interact. I will fulfill the role of teacher for these lessons, else-wise know this: I am a student just as you are, and you shall teach me things to learn.

Why You Are Here

All around you has been this existence that you were born into, grew up within, and gotten by. Yet you've begun to suspect that there is something very wrong, in deed. You want to know what is happening in the world. You want to know why. If you are not ready to follow the truth wherever it might lead you, TURN BACK NOW. This is not a game, this is a call to action aimed directly at the hearts and minds of humankind. If you are not willing to undo the aspects that compose your very identity in order to make anew what is established within you, then you are not ready.


We are attempting to bring about a new kind of understanding, with 0 intermediaries between you and your godhead. You could call this God whatever you wish but this works best with deities aligned with Truth, else what is the point in continuing on? You'd better hold onto your britches, ladies and gentlemen, because this is a rabbit hole that you could easily forswear for the sake of your favorite thing.

The Playing Field, Players, and their Ideas

The world we're on is in a continual process of division by design. We are going to begin our journey by learning about the way they use the levers. This is the means by which control is exerted over us directly or indirectly.


A short but incomplete list by which the elite power brokers move us are:
Biological - Our matter. What however temporarily makes us in this existence.
- Food
- Water
- Medicine
- Drugs
- Your gender - Male and Female and everything else fudged by human design.
- Your sexual proclivity - (Ask an asexual what the world looks like, now ask a pansexual.)
- Who your partners are
- Age
- Consent
- Intellectuals
- Anti-intellectuals
- Apathy
- Revisionism
Theological - How they remove you from the godhead and supplant themselves and their ideas in its stead.
- Christianity
- Judaism
- Islam
- New Age
- Naturalism
- Paganism
- Satanism
- Luciferianism
- Secular/Atheism/Apatheism
- Fascists (Fasces and History)
- Socialists
- Nationalists
- Laws
- Currency
- Taxes
- Promises
- Police - Thou shalt not kill, destroy, steal, but we can.
- Psychologist - Thou shalt not express, preach, think, but we can.
- Spies - Thou shalt not behave, gather, intel, but we can.
- News
- Entertainment
- Internet

Last and above all are the feelings of Fear, Distrust, Hatred, Desire, and yes, you will learn in time, also Rapture, Love, Mercy, Fairness and more. These represent a small sampling of the ways we are moved in order to produce actions. These are control methods, and you'll begin to see that they far outnumber genuine interactions with people. Most do not even understand that their thought patterns have been hijacked by sinister means of control. It remains hidden to them, under layers of complete deception, half-truths, and by-products of a process.


These feelings have been placed inside you by outside forces, from the time you were born they have been hard at work. They, literally everyone else but you, they have lied! Your parents have lied! I have lied! you have got to look inward and question just why you are feeling these feelings, thinking these thoughts. Why? Why do you feel guilty for something you cannot change? You have got to take control of your life. There is a battle out there and it is caused by battles right here. In your head. Now, guess what you can control? What part can you control? YOU! You, if you will it. Take control, and the way to control is repudiation of their control structures.

Some of the control structures are quite obvious. Some are quite cleverly hidden. Quite cleverly in deed.


What is the Occult?

The Occult by straight definition means the hidden, but the word means much more than that. To dabble in the occult is to participate in the study of communication, whether it is through the written or spoken word, through symbolism, whether the formations of the body or through what the eyes can see, the ears can hear, the touch can feel. It utilizes these means to tell a plethora of stories at once. You may have been told that there is an esoteric and an exoteric meaning to occult concepts. Yes, that is true, but there is often deeper meanings in both forms to understand.


By this means I can tell a story in one form understood by the ley common person, and tell a completely different story to those who "speak the same language", and even still another story to those who speak a different kind of language. You'll see this on your television, just turn the dial until you find a televangelist! He will tell you a biblical story with a tale about your sins. But what the televangelist is really saying is "Send money, recieve blessings from God through me." Does the televangelist even comprehend the deeper stories of what is being said? Do you?

A Real World Occult Example

Let's start with a tale about fishing. You have fished before, yes? I'm not a great fisher. You'll see why it's absurd to say that in a few minutes. I'm going to read scripture out of the KJV of the Bible; this is something fairly common to find when dealing with the western occult. It is one of the Holy Books, but you'll see it is not the only one. This is John chapter 21.


1 After these things Jesus shewed himself again to the disciples at the sea of Tiberias; and on this wise shewed he [himself]. 2 There were together Simon Peter, and Thomas called Didymus, and Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, and the [sons] of Zebedee, and two other of his disciples. 3 Simon Peter saith unto them, I go a fishing. They say unto him, We also go with thee. They went forth, and entered into a ship immediately; and that night they caught nothing.

4 But when the morning was now come, Jesus stood on the shore: but the disciples knew not that it was Jesus. 5 Then Jesus saith unto them, Children, have ye any meat? They answered him, No. 6 And he said unto them, Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find. They cast therefore, and now they were not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes. 7 Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved saith unto Peter, It is the Lord. Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he girt [his] fisher's coat [unto him], (for he was naked, ) and did cast himself into the sea. 8 And the other disciples came in a little ship; (for they were not far from land, but as it were two hundred cubits, ) dragging the net with fishes.

9 As soon then as they were come to land, they saw a fire of coals there, and fish laid thereon, and bread. 10 Jesus saith unto them, Bring of the fish which ye have now caught. 11 Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land full of great fishes, an hundred and fifty and three: and for all there were so many, yet was not the net broken.

12 Jesus saith unto them, Come [and] dine. And none of the disciples durst ask him, Who art thou? knowing that it was the Lord. 13 Jesus then cometh, and taketh bread, and giveth them, and fish likewise. 14 This is now the third time that Jesus shewed himself to his disciples, after that he was risen from the dead.

What on earth is he talking about? If you read this literally it reminds one of Forrest Gump after the hurricane moves through, and it destroys every fishing vessel but Forrest's, and his reward? Being the only one to catch all the shrimp! Lieutenant Dan jumps into the water, and he had made his peace with God after having that battle with the sky during the hurricane. Come to think of it, maybe there is something deeper here in both cases.

But now Forrest Gump turns to the invisible camera and starts reciting how you catch shrimp. He waited until such and such time and ONLY put his net in such and such a place. That's what literalists are saying the Bible says here, and they say "It does not make sense!" OF COURSE it doesn't make sense after that! You have got to speak it's languages. You could have had this read to you 111 times and it still not make sense, because the complete picture is not there.


Symbolism and Understandings

This is an astrological story where the bringer of fish upon the third time after his death they see him, those 7 plus 2 disciples and he fulfills his role by being named Ichthus, or "Ίησοῦς Χριστός, Θεοῦ Υἱός, Σωτήρ" or (Iēsous Christos, Theou Yios, Sōtēr,) Greek for "Jesus Christ, Son of God, Saviour" which is often displayed in the fish symbol. Jesus is Pisces bridging it's way into Aquarius at the Dawn (Which is represented on the Wheel of the year as the beginning of the ascendant period, which the first two houses are of Pisces and then Aquarius! A story that predates it having been told about Yehoshua (Hebrew), or Jesus (Greek). Now you know why Simon Paul went swimming in the ocean of Aquarius, but first he put ON his Pisces fisherman's clothing!


This is a mathematical story. They caught 0 all night long. Then they caught 153. 153 is an interesting number for a lot of different reasons. it is a triangular number T17=153, 7 is most holy, and they reached to grab their 7 (having to say "7 and oh yeah 2 other disciples were there") and 10 (7+2+1 the total who were there), 1 is also triangular, though that in itself is no great feat, but so is 15, on the way up to 153. That is interesting that 3 is the 3rd decimal place from left to right, and it's the 3rd Triangular number. That is quite a lot of 333's. As a hexagonal number, it is H9, or 3*3 and 153, Why on earth does 333 pop up so much? There are occultists inserting numbers into the Bible from conception, and there is something here for the knowledgeable to see. Choronzon, via Crowley or Peter Carroll are alternate avenues to explore, Or thrice greatest Hermes Trismegistus, but I lack the knowledge currently to illuminate this side of the story, only to describe it's beginnings...


But wait, there's more! (Cheesy, right?) This is a psychological story about you and your mind, and this I think is the most relevant story being told despite the archetypes and constructs, and the most personally devastating. You can fish for a result all night, and never catch anything, because you're fishing in the dark. You're fishing with your left brain. You're interpreting things literally. You haven't waited until the dawn. Waited until there's light. Waited until you can see. You haven't put your net onto the right side of your vessel. Your vessel is your mind, your head, noggin', seat of everything! The right side that can interpret this story even and arrive at last at the conclusion most fitting. The kind of results that make a man swim in the ocean of plenty with joy.


Finding the Pieces and Your Goal

That is the point of these hidden things within the Bible. They require outsider knowledge to completely paint the picture, and have you heard these guys admonishing you to ONLY read the Bible? They are not your friend, because I guarantee you that anyone in seminary class did not just read the Bible. To learn comparative religion where they begin to discern the deeper meanings beyond their religion and other religions like Zoroastrianism, Zoroaster (also known as Zarathustra, a Nietzschean characterization who is not to be conflicted with, in Avestan, Zaraϑuštra) (Greek zōros (literally "undiluted") and the Avestan -uštra with astron ("star")). Have you heard of him? He is a prophet of Ahura Mazda, and without him, there would not be a Christianity through the subversion of Judaism and Christianity today.

In the Gathas, Zoroaster sees the human condition as the mental struggle between aša (truth) and druj (lie) spread by Ahriman and others. The cardinal concept of aša is at the foundation of all Zoroastrian doctrine, including that of Ahura
Mazda (who is aša), creation (that is aša), existence (that is aša) and as the condition for free will.

Modern Christian dogma is essentially Paul or Saul of Tarsus's heresy. Which, is the Mithric cult under a different coat. Mithraism is a syncretic cult of Babylonian astrology and Zoroastrian mysticism which identified with the Greek god Perseus who was above Taurus in the Constellations. Mithraism came from Tarsus in Cilicina according to Plutarch, at the same time and place Paul/Saul of Tarsus did. Mithras is the mystery religion that flourished under the auspices of the Roman empire, during the 1st-4th centuries AD. You might know them now as the Catholic Church, but your church if you are Christian, it is almost assuredly captured from the beginning. Why don't they teach that? Judaism has been coopted as well. Have you ever wondered why Elohim is plural? Hint: Monotheism was not imported into Christianity from Judaism. Why is it taught just so?

You had better learn this stuff, because this is at the foundations of mainstream religions and you are 100% being lied to about it, even if by omission, even unknowingly. Oh how they love that denial, to claim that they do not know just because you didn't, when they foster that unknowing. They won't tell you where their belief originates, or the other things practiced with it, because those are mysteries to not cast like pearls before swine. The remarkable thing is, it's waiting for anyone to read it. They will openly discuss, but cloaked in the occult. Thus they justify the generational betrayal by the priesthood of water, and this is not the way of the light of Truth.


How This Affects You

Everyone has fished in this way, and some have never caught anything because they are looking in the dark. Would the televangelist be one of them? Would you? Would I? This is an example of how one would seek results to arrive at the Truth when faced with an obscure tale. When you are seeking occult or hidden meaning, you must displace yourself out of your comfort zone and begin to interpret things in a myriad of ways at the same time. You must learn constantly and be curious. Because the only way you arrive at Truth is by knowing the difference between in a world full of lies and deception and traps by design.

Only by knowing how to see druj (lies), will you begin to choose Truth, and there are no intermediaries. Once you begin to do that, you will find that the deeper meanings remain open to you, even if the messenger remains blind to the message's interpretations. This is part of what gaining the keys to unlock secrets of occult symbolism is about. If you're still listening then you've done one thing right. You're seeking the light of Truth to illuminate your life, and anyone who always does that is my ally in humankind.


Next time we will go deeper into the other players on the playground, and how to recognize a good many of even the ones who try to remain hidden. Here's a hint: Priests of Fire are not as Crafty as they think they are.

You'll also gain a deeper understanding of what your purpose entails as your journey commences. Fare well, and may the light of Truth ever be a guide on your path.

Join Us in our Quest

If you've always wondered what is going on in the world and you've considered finding out, if only there were somewhere to contribute; We could use your help in explaining fundamental truths to truthseekers. I'd like to invite you to comment your ideas, criticisms, or just say "hi" on your by.


Have a good day and look for more of our future posts!

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