Studying the works of Weor

As a student of nature I've come to discover spiritual truths as revealed to me though the works of Weor. Then I thought why not create a gnostic sect and thus Ron was formed. Why cult? Well cult plus time equals religion and that is the goal. To become a 501 3(c) organization. The rational behind this is why not? If the spaghetti monster can become a religion then why not Ron. In Ron we don't worship some guy. It's an acronym which stands for “Rely on nothing”. The “nothing” of Ron is the Akash of gnosticism as taught by Weor. Why follow the teachings of Weor? During his lifetime he never wanted any followers and offered spiritual guidance to many who sought him out.

The comments and feedback I get from the articles will help us evolve this living document we call the Lexicon of Ron. This document will server as a manifesto for all those interested in becoming a student of nature. We’re currently looking for talented individuals who want to help create an ideology, document the metaphysical, and work on a hallucinatory based system of magicka. Using NLP or [ Neuro Linguistic Programming ] anchors to help bind external stimuli to internal mental state changes.

Originally posted on Cult of Ron. Hive blog powered by ENGRAVE.

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