The fallacies of the truths.

I renounce forever the falsehood of free will, for it is a serpent that devours itself. Total freedom is total lack of freedom.
The Prison of Freedom (1994), Michael Ende

In the end we all go back to where we are

Fire consumes lies to turn them into truths!

Truths are simple lies and lies are simple truths, an unalterable dilemma that most do not believe, but so are the fallacies of truths. What would happen if instead of telling truths, we exchanged them for lies? The result would be the same, if the opposite were done, that gives rise to a nihilistic enigma of the existence of the fantasy realities of truths. Philosophy embodies various ideas about what they are; realities and truths, each one has control over its own axis, that is, the lie. However, the innocence of humanity sometimes causes them to fall into vile banalities, where the inexplicable memories of the human essence are not found, and is there something wrong? No! It would be wrong to think that all truths are real and that those realities become truths. The very existential dilemma of the vile human incongruence; think of gods, as if they were something supradivine, they walk without knowing where they are going, they find themselves entangled in a world where they do not know how to distinguish these three facets: Lies, Reality and Truth.

Humanity has dried up in its own illusions, and that is the other great dilemma, the illusions that are the compendium of what they believe it is, but in turn it is not. That is the true concept of illusions, something that the human being stupidly believes, but it is not what they stupidly think. Perhaps there are people who are offended by the use of the words exposed here, but I do it so that they can understand that life is not like the metaphor they say; it is black or white, life is life, that simple. It is stipulated that truth surpasses any kind of reality, but that is wrong, because truths are all subjective, therefore, it should be, realities surpass any truth; however, to reach a breaking point, reality is etymologically abstract and that is because it is often confused a lot with truths, it sounds repetitive that mentions it all the time, but the truth is, that life is repetitive, it is history and that history is cyclical, it repeats the processes from time to time. So it's time to renew those ambiguous ideas that truth is everything over reality, remember the title, fire is the veracity of your affairs, where truths are simply lies and lies are a true reality.

Image from unsplash.

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