MY REASONS, MY FRUSTRATIONS | Original Poetry | Sleep apnea | By: @nachomolina

Author: @nachomolinasrc


Enough of hallucinations,
Enough of my frustrations with you...

I dream of suffocating me,
I dream of suffocating in your reasons,
my two reasons,
my frustrations...

1 I want to get drunk with you,
2 I want to hold your hand,

However your cry is heard,
However I hate you so much...

You know, we both look for something...

Give me a reason to enter your party, give me a reason to enter your cavesrc

Your black thought is my clarity
I hit a wall,
when I try to look for you

I dream of suffocating me,
I dream starting,
getting drunk, before you go away again

I want to know what you feel when I don't breathe, my hallucinations when your eyes lie,src

You come back to life
when I'm near death
I want to hold your hand
when you appear and disappear...



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