Clean house and happy spouse

Protip: if you have a spouse that goes in and out of the house dozens of times while working outside and tracks dirt all over, and you like to keep the house clean: keep the cleaning implements handy but out of sight, so when they come in they don't see them. When they go back out, clean up the dirt they left and then immediately hide the implements. Make sure that when they are in the house you look relaxed and are smiling.

I do this because my spouse gets upset if they see me constantly cleaning up behind them.

Other things to wait to do until their back is turned:

  • Fluffing pillows
  • Cleaning up food spills and crumbs
  • Picking up dirty laundry
  • Cleaning up their sink
  • Smoothing the bedcovers
  • Arranging couch cushions
  • Putting away their "toys" and accessories
  • Wiping down the toilet
  • Cleaning messes their pet makes

That way you won't get a sarcastic or exasperated comment about how you are too obsessive.

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