Obesity' spreads rapidly among children

Physical obesity and obesity rates of children and adolescents have increased tenfold in the last four decades. That means, 12 million people in the whole world are now overweight.

Lancet, a renowned research institution, has reached this conclusion by analyzing the obecity trends in more than 200 countries. On Wednesday (October 11th), World Ovoci Day or World Physical Obesity Day, the results of this study were published by Lanchat.

This shows that among the 5 to 19 year-olds in the UK, one in ten people is obis or abnormal gross. The obese children grow up as adults in the future, and OBCs put them at risk of serious health, says experts.

The lancet warns that at the rate of obesity growing in the world, the cost of obesity-related illness will exceed $ 920 billion by 2025.

Major researcher and professor of Imperial College London, Majid Ejjati says that although high-income European countries including the UK, children's obesity rates seem to be in control, but in many places in the world it has increased alarmingly.fast-food-obesity-big1.jpg

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