The "right-wing populist" slogans of the "xenophobic racist" Barack Obama


The propaganda war in the US mainstream media - unlike in Germany - held on two fronts. While in Germany a largely homogeneous block of state and corporate media on the part of the regime rushes against everything that opposes Merkel's authoritarian notions of market-oriented "democracy", there is in the US with FOXNews at least one major TV station, the " liberal "opposes phalanx.

Of course this does not make FOXnews an objective quality medium, but the reports and research of the station regularly represent a counterweight within the mainstream, which does not exist in this form in this country. Therefore, the following quote from Barrack Obama from 2005, when he was still a senator and not president, on ARD and ZDF of course not get to hear, because what the hypocritus highly acclaimed Savior (in truth, an international criminals, mass murderers and Hauptschuldiger at the refugee crisis) said at the time, are flawless AFD positions.

FOXNews, on the other hand, routinely rubs its own mistakes and lies on US Democrats and its media and can be seen as the home channel of Donald Trump and his followers. Moderator Sean Hannity recalled Obama's 2005 political stance on migration as early as February to remind the "radical-alternative leftist" that Trumps - in the "liberal" media's scandalized views - are anything but far from that's what Barack Obama has represented. Currently, the quote circulates again in the social media:

Barack Obama: "We all agree on the need for better secure the border and to punish employers who choose to hire illegal immigrants. We are generous and welcoming people here in the United States, but those who enter the country illegally and those who employ them disrespect the law and they are disregard for those who are following the law. Undetected, undocumented, unchecked and circumventing the line of poeple who are waiting patiently diligently and lawfully become immigrants to this country. "

Barack Obama: "We all agree on the need to better secure the border and punish those employers who employ illegal immigrants. We are generous and hospitable people here in the United States, but those who enter the country illegally and those who disrespect the rule of law show their disrespect for those who respect the law. We simply can not allow people to flow into the United States unrecognized, undocumented, unchecked and bypassing the line of people who are patient, diligent and lawful. "

This is exactly the position of the AfD and it was Christian Lindner himself, who explicitly emphasized in the WDR interview that his FDP on the question of migration the same views as the usual for the mainstream media out transparent reasons as "right-wing populists", "racists "And" Nazis "presented competing party to CDU and FDP.

The example once again shows the mendacity, double standards and targeted manipulation we have to deal with in ARD and ZDF. It is because of this systemic mendacity also out of the question that the propaganda their little flag again at the latest on the Berlin Wind align, if the supply of cheap labor (keywords: nursing, parcel delivery, etc.) in Germany from the perspective of the economy so sufficiently oversaturated is that you can play people with pleasure against each other and can squeeze wages. In fact, this process has long since begun and it is one of the (apparent) paradoxes of this media-created fairytale world that it was probably Victor Orban and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Merkel chancellorship and party presidency have saved for the time being.

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