#5 Oath Team Update Post

Today, we are thrilled to share with you our most exciting update yet, announcing the release of our prototype, BlockchainGo initiative, and our upcoming juror signup and bounty programs!


For day-to-day news and our latest announcements, join our Telegram Channel and follow us on Twitter.

Development Progress Report

Prototype Release

The Prototype is now live! We have released the demo version of our product and tested it with several of our partners. The demo version shows our key features, the case flow, and different use case applications. Shortly, we will release a public beta version to test and use for our community — stay tuned for that!


Meeting with Jeffrey Wernick: Nov. 20, 2018 (Hangzhou, China)

Oath Founder and CEO Xu Yin had the privilege to meet early AirBnB and Uber investor, and a close Oath friend Jeffrey Wernick, who is a staunch advocate for stable and reliable governance and arbitration:

“No financial system or other applied use cases can be done without a dispute resolution process.”


Oath Featured on ICO Rating Sites

As we plan the launch of our product next quarter, we have been getting more traction on independent ICO review sites. Most recently, we were featured and rated by ICO Birds (9.1/10) and ICO Patrol (4.4/5), in addition to our existing existing listings on ICO Drops (here) and ICO Holder.


If you find us listed on any additional rating sites or want to propose adding us, please do not hesitate to get in touch. We are happy to provide any information you may need and highly appreciate the support!

Global Community Report

BlockchainGo Initiative

We have previously reported on the success of our very first BlockchainGo initiative for students, in collaboration with the Aion Foundation. We have started the initiative to educate and connect university students in Shanghai with others in the blockchain industry.
BlockchainGo will host regular workshops and connect local and foreign students from Tongji, Fudan, Jiaotong, ESSCA, a French School of Management, and others.


Juror Signup and Bounty Programs

Look out for the bounty announcement soon! We are working on designing a campaign to engage our community and spread the word about Oath Protocol. Our program will be managed by our very own dedicated community members, Milan and John.
Alongside the bounty campaign, we will begin our juror signup process, where anyone can sign up to become an Oath Protocol juror and start earning rewards and reputation points once our public beta is live!

Slush Startup Celebration Day: Nov. 14 (Shanghai, China)

Back in September, we won Slush’s pitch competition and were invited to attend the finalist presentation event by Slush and PwC, who co-hosted the event at their headquarters in Shanghai. During our keynote speech, Oath CEO Xu Yin showcased Oath Protocol’s unique community-based approach to arbitrating user disputes in the blockchain as well as traditional industries.


WPI Students and Amino Network Visit: Nov. 16 (Shanghai, China)

We met with a student delegation from WPI (Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Worcester, MA), who are exploring effective ways and strategies for growing communities for blockchain startups as part of their study program. On the same day, our friends from Amino Network, a blockchain-based cloud computing solution, came by to say hi and discuss the future of shared economies across various industries and our roles in it.

Consensus Invest Week: Nov. 26–30 (NYC, US)

The last week of November gathered blockchain professionals and enthusiasts from all over the world in NYC. SEC Chairman Jay Clayton attended a fireside chat during Consensus:Invest event on November 27, for the first time addressing when tokens sold to raise capital, and therefore subject to securities laws, may become utility tokens, and no longer subject to securities laws. You can watch the full interview here.
We have attended several events organized by our friends and investors, and made myriad new connections, spreading the word about decentralized governance and dispute resolution.


ASEAN Digital Assets Summit: Dec. 9 (Bangkok, Thailand)

Last week, our partner Onexpo Singapore held their first major conference abroad, and invited us to participate. Michael gave a keynote on the Future of Dispute Resolution and also showcased our prototype for the first time to a public audience. Oath founder and CEO Xu Yin discussed the Security of Digital Assets on a panel with NEM Thailand, QuarkChain, and Infinitus Token. We also got a chance to interact with the audience in the expo hall, where had a booth to showcase Oath Protocol.



This festive season, we want to wish you the happiest holidays, love, understanding, and peace! And don’t forget to share the same with your loved ones ❤️

To learn more about Oath Protocol, sign up for email updates on our website. To stay up to date on Oath Protocol news and announcements, follow us on Medium,Telegram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit, Medium and Instagram, and join the conversation in our Telegram and SynQ communities.

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