The New York Times has been a big bank establishment rag since the Civil War.


Joe Biden is financed and advised by the bankers that run the private Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

These bankers that run the CFR are the sons and grandsons of the bankers that created the Third Reich and financed and advised Adolf Hitler, and were behind his invasions.

That makes Biden a fascist.

And, Biden’s escalation of the US wars in Syria and Somalia are for the interests of the big bank establishment.

The same big bank establishment that took away the guns of the people in the Third Reich.

The same Rockefeller big bank establishment that built and ran Auschwitz also was behind the Japanese internment camps in the US.

Henry Ford was the man who made the production of the Volkswagen Beetle possible for Adolf Hitler.

The Third Reich’s invasions of Poland and France used Rockefeller fuel in trucks with Ford engines.

Whatever the New York Times publishes, it’s for the interests of the international bankers and industrialists.

Biden is their guy, just like Obama, Bill Clinton, and the Bush Presidents.

The Bush/ Rockefeller-run CIA shot Kennedy in the head, according to CIA people E. Howard Hunt, Marita Lorenz, and David Morales, who each said that they helped the CIA kill Kennedy.

The Rockefeller-influenced FBI Director J Edgar Hoover worked closely with the CIA on the Kennedy assassination.

The CIA and FBI created the Watergate scandal which ousted President Nixon in a coup and got CIA man E. Howard Hunt sent to jail.

The Rockefeller commercial banks financed both Hillary and Jeb Bush during the 2016 primaries. The Rockefeller man Henry Kissinger, who once led the CIA support for the coup against President Allende of Chile, was Hillary’s campaign adviser.

The Mueller Investigation was based on the Steele Dossier by a British intelligence officer, which was financed by the Rockefeller financed and advised Hillary campaign.

Democrats, moderate Republicans, and fascists make up a close spectrum of political beliefs in the totalitarian and private ownership quadrant of a two dimensional graph of political beliefs.

The constitutionalist religious right makes up the “democratic private ownership” quadrant of the graph.

The communists are totalitarians like the fascists, but they believe in a communalist society with public ownership of the banks and corporations.

The socialists are democracy-living communalists.

The New York Times and Joe Biden do not support communalism, so they don’t lean to the left. They lean heavily to the right. The totalitarian right.

People who support the 2nd Amendment are mostly on the right but support the Constitution over big bank establishment influence over US politicians.

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