New York Times calls for “big banks” to control gun sales.

In an article titled I How Banks can Control Gun Sales if Washington Won’t from The New York Times (of course) that calls for the major financial institution that defraud everybody to suffocate the gun industry into non-existence.

This whole thing is in response to the Florida high school shooting. Here is a very peculiar quote from the article that emphasizes the real point of view of the globalists. “At a time when Washington shows little interest in limiting sales of assault weapons- there’s a real opportunity for the business community to fill the void and prove that all that talk about moral responsibility isn’t hollow.”

Rahm Emmanuel did to “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” The left loves mass shootings because they feel they have an opportunity to take the guns away.

The left will acknowledge that the big banks are the bad guys, so wouldn’t you think when the big banks are trying to disarm the public, that should raise some red flags for them? Common sense says yes but we’re talking about the left here.

Zero Hedge has published a great article that details the crimes that these big banks have plead guilty to in the past and the precedent of enacting such corporate policies but I am going to point out that this shows who the real power brokers are. It doesn’t matter who controls or makes the laws when you control the money.

This article says everything about the corporate takeover of the world. First off, they control mass media which injects and primes it’s consumers (which luckily are dwindling) for what’s ahead. In this case, there won’t be such a shock when someone goes to buy an AR-15 with their credit card and the purchase is declined. The next step is for the financial institutions- that have leveraged out our financial lives- to start controlling what we do with our money. The trajectory of this method is a ban on cash and all transactions to be controlled and restricted based on whatever that big banks want, like having the wrong political ideas. Oh wait! The big banks are trying to end cash! Including the same ones that want your guns!

The lefts’ cognitive dissonance on this issue is astounding. They bitch about corporations making profits but when the obvious bad guy corporations (like the big banks) are actually robbing people, control transactions and disarming the public, that’s okay.

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