What's really going on in the world? The same thing that happened in Germany long ago...

I was a bit shocked to find yet another piece of my education has turned out to be a lie, namely the "fact" that Adolph Hitler was some kind of maniac. I shouldn't be surprised... but even after being a conspiracy theorist for 25 years I still find new things that I didn't know I didn't know.

Before he took power, Germany was in pretty much the same state as the United States of America (and pretty much all colonialist powers)... owned and controlled by a small super wealthy elite that worked behind the scenes to bankrupt everyone else and enrich themselves: the Zionists.

If you have time and want a different take on the history of the world wars which paints a very different picture (and is quite compelling) I suggest you watch the following documentary series:

The Greatest Story Never Told


It is 6 hours long (or so) and tells a story I had never heard before... about how a power elite had practically taken over germany and brought it to its knees... and how one man and a small group of people started a movement intended to free themselves and all germans from the grasp of the international bankster cartel that is causing so much damage around the world today.

If the world Hitler makes you go crazy then you might want to skip this... but if you really want to know what is going on you have only to look at history to see how it came to be here (and everywhere), what the real cause is, and where it will lead if we don't start to realize that there is a war against most of the people of the world... even if most people cannot see it.

I always wondered why their flag had a hindu symbol of piece on a white circle with a red background:

  • the swastika : peace
  • white circle : purity
  • red field : the marxism being fought against
    ... at least that is what I see now... and this documentary makes sense of that.

Call me whatever names you want but I won't apologize for speaking what I see as truth.

Be well and I hope at least some find this interesting!

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